To place your order, please visit our online shop, which is being restocked regularly, and purchase the product(s) of your choice directly when available. Your items will be reserved for you when the order has been placed online.

Open orders are valid for 7 days. If no purchase order is received within that time the order will be closed and the reserved stock released.

Schools wishing to place an order should choose the Purchase Order option during checkout. The order will only be confirmed when you respond to the order email with an official school purchase order. Until then, your online order confirmation serves as your formal quotation.

Please contact us if you need further assistance.

Pour français, cliquez ici.
Para Español haga clic aquí.

School Orders

We ship worldwide and have offices in both the UK and US. If you need to confirm pricing before raising your order, you can choose the Purchase Order option during checkout through our online store. Alternatively, to request a quote for a bulk order, please set up your online store account then submit a quote request.

Schools wishing to place an order using their own system can submit a purchase order in many regions (details below) after placing the order online to reserve the items. If you prefer to pay by credit card, you can order through the website as normal for the fastest possible processing. 

Schools in the US

We can accept school purchase orders from US schools and districts and will send a digital invoice once the order has been processed.

Our company details for US school orders are:

iCreate To Educate, Inc. (trading as HUE)
1321 Upland Dr. PMB 18269,
Houston, Texas, 77043
United States

You can contact us if you require a W-9 form, or add it to the comments on your order. 

To secure stock and confirm pricing before raising your order, you can choose the ‘Purchase Order’ option during checkout through our online store as described above. Your finalized order will reserve the stock and serve as a formal quotation until you send us your school or district purchase order. If you have a tax exemption, please include the paperwork with your order to ensure that we process your exemption correctly.

Schools in the UK and Ireland

We can accept school purchase orders from UK schools and will send a digital VAT invoice once the order has been processed.

Our company details for UK/Ireland school orders are:

Ascent Information Technology Ltd (trading as HUE)
12 Enterprise Way
SW18 1FZ
United Kingdom
VAT Number: GB645 9872 83

If you need to confirm pricing before raising your order, you can choose the ‘Purchase Order’ option during checkout through our online store.

Schools in France

Pour français, cliquez ici.

Schools in Canada

We have chosen Canadian Classroom as our Canadian Partner. Orders through Canadian Classroom will be shipped domestically from Ontario. Canadian Classroom accepts Purchase Orders for all School Districts in the 10 Provinces and 3 Territories. Contact them here.

If you want to place a direct order through our shop and need assistance in French, please click here. Pour français, cliquez ici.

Schools in the rest of the world

We ship worldwide from the UK and sales taxes are calculated automatically during checkout. Please note that some countries may charge additional taxes on deliveries from overseas and these are the responsibility of the purchaser.

Customers in France are encouraged to check our French pages for further assistance.

If you have any questions about ordering, please contact us and our sales team will assist you with your purchase.