Apps you can use with HUE cameras

Apps you can use with HUE cameras

Are you a teacher considering purchasing a document camera for your classroom? Perhaps you're wondering what software you’ll need to elevate your lessons, or whether you will use it enough when budgets are tight? We’re often asked about interoperability and the great news is that document cameras such as the ...
[FR/EN] Introduction au sketchnoting

[FR/EN] Introduction au sketchnoting

An English version of this post can be found below. Ecrit par: Pierre TIBULLEChef de projet chez Mobiapps Resaux sociaux : Bluesky, X Je travaille dans l'informatique depuis plus de 20 ans en tant que développeur, chef de projet technique, expert en développement mobile, CTO (directeur technique), Product Manager, speaker ...
HUE is exhibiting at the Bett Show, London (22-24th January 2025)

HUE is exhibiting at the Bett Show, London (22-24th January 2025)

We are excited to share that HUE will be exhibiting at the Bett Show: Stand SM60 at ExCeL London (UK) on 22-24th January 2025. Bett UK is celebrating four decades of educational excellence this year and the show is going to be bigger and better than ever. Come and see ...
[DE] Unterrichten mit HUE an einem der größten Gymnasien in Deutschland

[DE] Unterrichten mit HUE an einem der größten Gymnasien in Deutschland

Please see below for the English version of this post. Dieser Beitrag wurde auf Wunsch des Autors anonym veröffentlicht. Ich unterrichte Mathematik und Englisch an einem der größten Gymnasien in Deutschland. An meiner Schule gibt es ca. 200 Lehrkräfte und etwa 2500 Schülerinnen und Schüler. Ich unterrichte Schülerinnen und Schüler ...
2024: A year in review

2024: A year in review

2024 has been another fantastic year, with plenty happening here at team HUE HQ. We had to buy an even bigger trophy cabinet! 2024 was a bumper year for awards with HUE Animation Studio and the HUE HD Pro document camera winning awards from Creative Play, Tech & Learning, Junior ...
A reminder that HUE support can always be contacted at whenever help is required, decorated by HUE cameras wearing woollen hats.

We’re here to help over the holiday season

For advice in other languages (including French and Spanish), please click here.Notre service client francophone est là pour vous pendant les fêtes. As many people will be receiving HUE Animation Studio and other HUE products as gifts over the festive season, we would like you to know that our customer ...
HUE will be at FETC, Florida (Jan 14-17th 2025)

HUE will be at FETC, Florida (Jan 14-17th 2025)

We are excited to share that HUE will be exhibiting at FETC in Orlando, Florida between January 14-17th, at Booth 895. The Future of Education Technology Conference (FETC) “represents one of the largest gatherings of strategic edtech decision makers in the industry”. HUE has a large open plan booth in ...
Creative Play Award wins for HUE Animation Studio

Creative Play Award wins for HUE Animation Studio

The Creative Play Awards 2024 have been revealed and we are delighted to announce that HUE Animation Studio has been judged as the Winner in the Teaching Resources category, and as the Highly Commended entry in the Electronics & Multimedia 8 -11yrs category  "This was easy to set up, with ...
HUE Animation Studio is Highly Commended in the Dads' Choice Awards 2024

HUE Animation Studio is Highly Commended in the Dads’ Choice Awards 2024

We are excited to announce that HUE Animation Studio has achieved the Highly Commended Award in the Dad’s Choice Awards 2024! HUE Animation Studio won this award after rigorous testing by Dad’s Choice super testers, with only those products which met the critical standards of these dads and their children ...
A graphic showing the text "Bett Awards: London 22 January 2025 FINALIST. International Digital Educational Resource (non-UK curriculum). In association with BESA. The background is dark navy blue with pink and white text.

The HUE HD Pro camera is a Finalist at the Bett Awards 2025

We are delighted to announce that the HUE HD Pro document camera made it to the list of finalists for the Bett Awards 2025! It has been shortlisted in the 2025 International Digital Educational Resource (non-UK curriculum) category. We'll keep our fingers crossed for round 2 judging taking place later ...
Teacher Tapp has arrived in the USA

Teacher Tapp has arrived in the USA

Teacher Tapp is a free, daily survey app which gives teachers a platform to share their unfiltered voice, painting an accurate and ever evolving picture of the education world. It provides valuable insights into the trends in the teaching community in the UK and USA. To celebrate this collaboration, HUE ...
HUE products are selected as WINNER and Highly Commended (Teach Co Awards 2024)

HUE products are selected as WINNER and Highly Commended (Teach Co Awards 2024)

We are thrilled to announce that the HUE HD Pro document camera has been selected as the WINNER in the Edtech & Software category of the Teach Secondary Awards for the second year running in 2024! The HUE Animation Studio stop motion animation kit was also highly praised, receiving Highly ...
HUE Animation Studio: Gold in the Best Creative Play (Educational) Category of the Junior Design Awards

HUE Animation Studio: Gold in the Best Creative Play (Educational) Category of the Junior Design Awards

We are proud to announce that HUE Animation Studio has achieved a GOLD award in the Best Creative Play category of the Junior Design Awards 2024. HUE Animation Studio won this award after it was identified as both highly educational and fun by the judging panel. The Junior Design Awards’ ...
HUE Animation Studio is the Editor's Choice (MadeForMums Toy Awards 2024)

HUE Animation Studio is the Editor’s Choice (MadeForMums Toy Awards 2024)

After over 1,000 hours of toy testing and with more than 180 toys tested by over 380 real child testers, we are absolutely thrilled to announce that HUE Animation Studio with Carry case has been awarded the coveted Editor’s Choice in the MadeForMums Toy Awards 2024! The HUE Animation Studio ...
Why stop motion animation is the perfect homeschool activity

Why stop motion animation is the perfect homeschool activity

Have you tried incorporating stop motion animation into your homeschool curriculum before? If you haven’t but you're interested, read on to learn: What stop motion animation is. The educational benefits of animation for children. How animation can be used across the curriculum. Testimonials from homeschool moms. Where you can download ...
HUE will be at the Schools and Academies Show 2024

HUE will be at the Schools and Academies Show 2024

We are delighted to announce that HUE will be attending the Schools and Academies show 2024 in Birmingham, UK on 20th November 2024, together with our reseller CBC Computers on Stand B52-B54 alongside ASUS and SMART. At the stand you will be able to: Talk to HUE staff about all ...
[FR] Observer, montrer et corriger avec la caméra HUE HD Pro en classe CE1

[FR] Observer, montrer et corriger avec la caméra HUE HD Pro en classe CE1

Ëcrit par Marion Sergeant. Je suis enseignante à Marseille dans une classe de CE1 d’une école classée réseau d’éducation prioritaire.Ma classe est équipée d’un écran numérique interactif (ENI). Je peux soit brancher directement dessus macaméra HUE HD Pro, soit la brancher sur un ordinateur connecté à l’ENI. J’utilise ma caméra ...
Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Halloween is here again, and we are so excited we could scream! Spooky season is one of our favorite holidays and over the years we have been building a fa-boo-lous library of animation resources, videos and activity ideas guaranteed to get you into the festive spirit! 👻 Free animation resources ...
HUE HD Pro & HUE Animation Studio win Tech & Learning Back to School Awards 2024

HUE HD Pro & HUE Animation Studio win Tech & Learning Back to School Awards 2024

We are excited to announce that HUE Animation Studio and the HUE HD Pro document camera have won in this year’s Tech & Learning Awards of Excellence: Back to School 2024 within the Primary and Secondary categories, respectively. Back for the 2024-25 school year, the Tech & Learning Awards of ...
HUE Animation Studio gains MESH accreditation

HUE Animation Studio gains MESH accreditation

We are excited to announce that HUE Animation Studio has been awarded lifetime MESH Accreditation! MESH Helps is a nonprofit organisation dedicated to strengthening kids’ resilience through play. The initiative was developed in collaboration with resilience expert Dr. Deborah Gilboa, who researched and published the White Paper entitled “We’re in ...