Announcing the new HUE HD Pro carry case: available NOW!
We are thrilled to announce the arrival of the new HUE HD Pro carry case, an essential accessory designed to provide maximum protection for your HUE HD Pro document camera. We understand the challenges your HUE HD Pro faces daily as you move from one location to another. The case ...
HUE Animation Studio wins NAPPA 2023 Award!
We are delighted to announce that HUE Animation Studio has won the National Parenting Products Award for 2023. "Encouraging creativity and imagination in our kids is a wonderful way to ensure lifelong curiosity and continued passion for learning," says Elena Epstein, Director of the National Parenting Product Awards. "The HUE ...
[DE/EN] HUE Animation Studio gewinnt den Comenius EduMedia Award/HUE wins the Comenius EduMedia Award
Note: An English translation of this post is below. Bildungsauszeichnung für HUE Animation Studio! Wir freuen uns zu verkünden, dass unser HUE Animation Studio Kit zum zweiten mal mit dem renommierten Comenius EduMedia Award ausgezeichnet wurde! Die Preisverleihung fand am 22. Juni 2023 statt. Ausgewählt durch die Gesellschaft für Pädagogik, ...
[ES] Guia de actividades HUE 2: El Ciclo del agua
(Note: Please see this previous post for the English version.) Hoy nos complacemos en traeros la segunda parte de nuestra serie de guías de actividades para los docentes que ahora está disponible a través de nuestra página web de recursos para profesores, así como en nuestra tienda de Teachers Pay Teachers (TPT) y ...
Animate the curriculum at ISTELive 2023
Are you going to ISTELive 23? Are you interested in harnessing the power, excitement and benefits of using HUE HD Pro cameras and stop motion animation software in the classroom? In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, it's more important than ever to engage students in innovative and captivating ways. As ...
See HUE at ISTELive 23!
Our flights are booked, our ✨cases✨ are packed, and we are ready for an action-packed week in Philly at (probably) the most fun EdTech conference in the world, ISTE! We cannot wait to see familiar faces and friends, attend illuminating talks and be inspired by “what’s new and what’s next ...
Celebrate National Week of Making with MIT Graduate Jasmine Florentine
To celebrate National Week of Making (June 17th to June 23rd 2023) we have teamed up with MIT graduate and author Jasmine Florentine to bring you some fun STEM and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) activities and the chance to win two fabulous prizes! Hex Allen and the ...
Guest post: “I’m a huge HUE visualiser fan” – Charlotte Godwin of Leeds City College
Written by Charlotte Godwin, Attendance and Beginners Program Manager (Adult, Community and ESOL) at Leeds City College, UK. Pre-Entry students are basic literacy and numeracy learners - they are learning to count, add, tell the time, handle money, read and write. The HUE HD Pro visualiser is extremely easy to ...
[FR] Fiche d’activité HUE 3 – Le cycle des saisons
Nous sommes heureux de vous présenter la troisième de notre série de Fiches d'activité HUE pour les enseignants, qui est désormais disponible sur notre site Web, et également dans notre boutique sur Teachers Pay Teachers (TPT). La fiche d'activité sur le Cycle des Saisons vise à aider les enseignants ...
Celebrate National Children’s Gardening Week with HUE
National Children’s Gardening Week is a UK-wide initiative that was set up with the aim of turning tiny fingers green, and to celebrate the fun of growing flowers and food with the younger generations. Founded in 2015 by BBC Radio Sheffield's garden expert, Neil Grant, National Children’s Gardening Week is ...
[FR] Utilisation de la caméra HUE en classe de CP et CE1
An English translation of this guest blog post can be found below. Dans l’école, nous sommes équipés de VPI. Nous utilisons la caméra / visionneuse HUE HD Pro depuis le début de l’année dans diverses situations et dans tous les domaines d’apprentissage. Cela a changé certaines de nos pratiques et ...
[ES] Guia de actividades HUE 1: El Calentamiento Global
(Note: Please see this previous post for the English version.) Ofrecemos una serie de Guias de Actividades HUE en español para inspirar métodos de enseñanza creativos. Estas fichas se publicarán a lo largo del año y pueden descargarse gratuitamente desde nuestro sitio web y TPT (Teachers Pay Teachers). Recuerde suscribirse ...
[ES] Saca partido a la cámara HUE HD Pro con Microsoft Flip – vídeo instructivo de Rosa Liarte
Rosa Liarte Alcaine es muy conocida en el mundo de la educación en el mundo hispanohablante por sus vídeos informativos sobre todo lo relacionado con la tecnología educativa. En su reciente blogpost nos cuenta por qué le encanta usar la HUE HD Pro tanto como una simple cámara de aula ...
Guest post: The HUE HD Pro ticked all the boxes!
Niamh Brady: Special Class Teacher | Creative Associate | PDST TiE & Curious Minds Facilitator | STEM & Comp Sci Graduate | STE(A)M Enthusiast | #Teach_IT_IRL I use the HUE HD Pro Visualiser and heard about HUE from other educators on Instagram. I can be contacted using Twitter @MsNiamhBrady or ...
[FR] Fiche d’activité HUE 2 – Le cycle de l’eau
(Note: Please see this previous post for the English version.) Aujourd’hui, nous sommes heureux de partager avec vous la deuxième fiche de notre série de Fiches d’activité HUE à l’intention des enseignants, qui est maintenant disponible en téléchargement gratuit sur notre site Web,, et TPT (Teachers Pay Teachers). Cette fiche d’activité sur ...
Using the HUE HD Pro to record ‘how-to’ videos for textiles teaching
Karen Rogers qualified as a textile teacher and worked for 34 years in secondary schools before becoming Headteacher of a specialist SEN school in Devon for children aged 5-16. Now retired, Karen is keen to share her textiles skills by recording 'how-to' videos and found that the HUE HD Pro ...
10 World Book Day Activities with HUE and VIP Reading
This beautiful illustration was drawn by the talented Rachel Sanson (represented by VIP Reading). We have teamed up with the wonderful folks at VIP Reading to bring you some very exciting activities, freebies and unHUEsual ideas for World Book Day. Set up by teachers Rob and Krystal McCann, VIP Reading ...
[FR] Caméra HUE HD Pro : votre bureau partagé collectivement
Please note: An English translation is below. L'enseignante Cynthia a partagé sur son compte Instagram Graines de Sourires une très belle utilisation de la caméra HUE HD Pro en classe et nous souhaitons à notre tour la partager avec vous aujourd’hui. Ses élèves ont étudié les animaux et les insectes ...
Russell Stannard of Teacher Training Videos tests the HUE HD Pro visualiser
Russell Stannard runs TTV (Teacher Training Videos), a completely free website for screencasts to help teachers and students incorporate technology into their teaching. In 2008, Stannard received a Times Higher Education Award for Outstanding ICT Initiative and won the British Council Technology Award in 2010. We were delighted when Russell ...
Happy HUE Year!
We would like to wish all our customers a very Happy 'HUE' Year! Thank you to all our lovely guest bloggers for sharing the many different ways you are using your @HUEcameras. We wish you a well earned rest and look forward to seeing you again in 2023! ...