Teaching math remotely
You wanted to know how I heard about your product? I bet no one told you this before.
Prior to the installation of new interactive flat panels (IFPs) in our classrooms, we were provided with two “”test”” panels for teachers to use and learn. One of the IFPs was placed in the classroom of our 5th grade Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) class. It was opportune that I received the HUE HD Pro document camera at relatively the same time as the installation.
Since I don’t have my own classroom, I asked the GATE teacher if should would like to try out the new HUE with the new IFP, and she agreed. We were both completely “”wowed”” by the device. The image was clear, the photos and videos were high definition, and the functions were easy to use. This document camera is amazing, and will definitely be the one I recommend we purchase when we are in the market for new ones.
Unfortunately, I was unable to take photos prior to leaving school for our Covid-19 closures, but I will submit photos as soon as I possibly can.