I am using Windows 10 or later and I can’t install QuickTime
Que contient le pack Studio d’animation?
In most cases, this will depend on the individual movie. The video quality can be affected by many factors such as lighting, keeping the camera in focus, frame rate – even the choice of color you used for your set will affect the final results. Never be afraid to experiment until you learn which settings work best for your own computer and projects.
Exporting at higher quality increases the file size of the finished movie and it can sometimes take longer to export if you’re using an older computer.
As a general guideline, the export settings we recommend are to choose to export the movie to MPEG-4, which will create an MP4 file which can be played on most devices and shared online. If you go into the Export Options after choosing the format, check that the settings are similar to these (adjust as preferred):
File Format: MP4
Data Rate: As high as possible; we recommend setting this to at least 3000 depending on the content of the video (higher data rates will increase the quality but also the exported file size, which is estimated at the bottom of the window)
Image Size: This should be set to the software’s native capture resolution (640×480)
Frame Rate: Current
Everything else is down to your own personal preferences.
We use settings like these when we create our demonstration clips; they can be upscaled and used in HD video projects so long as the original recording was good enough. If you’re seeing a big difference in quality let our customer services team know so that they can give you further advice.