So long as the Mac being used meets Apple’s guidelines for running Photo Booth you should be able to use it with HUE. After following the installation process your Mac should automatically detect HUE in Photo Booth if it has no internal camera of its own. If it selects a built-in iSight camera instead, simply use the Camera menu to select the correct device.
If the camera doesn’t seem to be available, please try disconnecting your HUE and reconnecting it once Photo Booth is already running.
If your Mac has a built-in camera already and you’re using an older version of Photo Booth without a Camera menu, Photo Booth will sometimes default to using the built-in webcam. As there is no way to change settings in older versions of Photo Booth this initially makes it difficult to use with external cameras. If you aren’t able to update to a newer version of OS X, one simple way to pick HUE instead of the built-in camera is to first open WebCam Monitor or another camera application and pick the Mac’s internal iSight camera in its Video Settings. This will prevent Photo Booth being able to use the same device. When you start up Photo Booth it will automatically select HUE and work as expected.