Per condividere il lavoro e gli esperimenti degli studenti per una valutazione tra pari, dimostrare una tecnica o registrare lezioni e presentazioni.
La forte, flessibile videocamera USB coglie immagini e video di alta qualità che possono essere condivise attraverso un proiettore, una lavagna interattiva o uno schermo tv. Il software HUE Intuition in bundle è facile da utilizzare e non richiede formazione.
La HUE HD è una risorsa educativa accessibile che può essere usata in tutto il percorso formativo, offrendo un eccezionale rapporto qualità-prezzo. E’ diventato un prodotto indispensabile per gli insegnanti che lo usano ogni giorno in molti modi innovativi come supporto all’apprendimento e allo sviluppo dei loro ragazzi sia in classe sia in remoto.

Mi @huecameras es imprescindible en mis clases
La puedes llevar cualquier parte
Aprender también es divertido con la HUE HD Pro
Festive fun to celebrate Computer Science Education Week 2024!
HUE cameras are good value.. and accesible.
I have used HUE cameras while teaching animation at college. The camera is useful not only to capture animation but also as a way of sharing a few of your hands with students while demonstrating.
For example, I was able to use it during lockdown while teaching online to demonstrate drawing skills under the camera to share with students at home. It can also be useful in the classroom where you are demonstrating practical skills and students cannot all see the detail of what you are doing. While drawing on paper only a few students can see your hands and technique but with a HUE camera, hooked up to a screen the whole group can have a view of your hands. Really useful when they need to be able to follow along. The cameras are good value, and most importantly accessible, as they just plug in and you can use them straight away with no specialist software’
Absolutely essential for learners with maths difficulties
I purchased my HUE camera on a recommendation from another maths teacher in order to be able to transfer my tutoring online just before lockdown in 2020. The first thing to say is it is still working brilliantly over 4 years on! As a Dyscalculia specialist I admit I was initially sceptical about teaching learners with dyscalculia online but I now have the experience and evidence to prove that it is possible and indeed works brilliantly when done well.
This is largely made possible by the use of my HUE visualiser camera. It is absolutely essential for learners with maths difficulties to use the concrete, pictorial, abstract approach and by demonstrating the use of the concrete manipulatives under my HUE camera the learner can then copy at home with their manipulatives and have this vital learning experience. I can’t imagine being without my camera now and recommend HUE visualisers to all my colleagues.
I highly recommend HUE to all teachers
My husband and I are both elementary teachers in Ontario. We have been using HUE since 2018. During the COVID-19 outbreak, HUE was an essential tool for our online teaching.
HUE is an excellent interactive camera that fits the classroom very well. The light is bright during the projection, so I don’t need to turn off the light. There is no second delay or glitch, either. I love using HUE when I read aloud in my kindergarten class. Students can see the pictures in the storybook. When the class learns the letters and sounds, it’s so helpful for me to show the CVC cards via HUE.
I highly recommend HUE to all teachers, and It will make your teaching and students’ learning more effective!
Using the HUE case protects all the pieces.
The HUE document camera has been the best investment I made as I transitioned from in person to virtual teaching. Not only does it provide quality picture for my students but it also is plug and play and ready to go for me. I can go from showing my students our work pages, to showcasing our butterflies in the cage – the uses for our HUE are endless. Now that I am traveling to give in person classes the HUE has been my sidekick. Using the HUE case protects all the pieces and makes it easy for me to take on the go. I absolutely love the HUE and will continue to rave of it many uses in the classroom.
I don’t know how I functioned without it.
As a teacher it’s very important to have the students follow along with various activities. Sometimes the lack of technology makes this difficult. Luckily this camera is affordable, easy to use, and it does the job! I don’t know how I functioned without it. I originally wanted a document camera so that the students can see me form letters with an actual pencil just like them. This helped them see my placement and the movements needed to correctly form letters. Besides using it for writing I also use it for reading and math! Im able to share small things with my entire class and they all are able to see clearly now. I would definitely recommend this camera for its great quality. My favorite part is its flexible and I can manually zoom in to share what I need to.
Highly recommended.
Great product, easy to use and the case keeps the camera safe when transporting between classrooms. Highly recommended.
The quality is incredible, it is so versatile and easy to use! A+++
I am a Technology Integration Specialist, and HUE has supported us tremendously in our district, as well as our professional development. We just love the HUE doc camera and so do our teachers. This HUE doc camera is amazing! I love how versatile it is, the quality is incredible, and it is so easy to use! Having the case makes it easily portable, and it makes it much easier for teachers who travel. Thank you HUE for being the best! A+++
The travel case is super handy!
I absolutely love my HUE document camera! Set up is quick and easy and the camera itself is so user friendly. I love the bendable neck of the camera and how compact the base is so that it doesn’t take up a lot of space. The travel case has also come in super handy!
A superb tool for modelling
The HUE HD Pro is a superb tool for live and pre-recorded modelling of writing and planning, especially used with pre-recorded sessions in Zoom. But for the sessions I teach in person, it also allows instant sharing of students’ work for shared positive critiquing and improvement. It pairs effortlessly with my touch-screen laptop and allows me to integrate videos and still photos with audio commentary into presentations using MS OneNote, my go-to planning and lesson delivery platform – using OneNote and the HUE HD Pro I can effortlessly capture and file audio-visual trapped for reuse in years to come.
The resolution is excellent
The resolution is excellent and I love the style and how easily it bends to exactly what you want to video. I highly recommend it!
The software is easy to use and the camera has great quality producing really sharp images.
I love this product. It shows really sharp images. It would be great for home and school.
Incredibly easy to use both with software and plug in and play.
We’ve been using HUE cameras for the last 3 years and would not be without them in the classroom. The ability to quickly and easily model work for students and show off their work is amazing. The picture quality is great and they are incredibly easy to use both with software and plug in and play.
Other ‘cameras’ are not as accessible and as versatile as this one.
I liked the breadth of curriculum and administrative areas this could be utilised within, its flexibility and ease of use and Plug and Play installation.
The camera is easy to set up with a flexible neck to present anything on a screen or record as part of a webinar. The camera could be set up to capture a demonstration/experiment taking place on a desk at the front of the class that can be presented on a larger screen for students/pupils to observe.
There are alternative ‘cameras’ available but none that are quite as accessible and as versatile as this one.
Un outil indispensable.
J’utilise la caméra tous les jours. C’est un outil indispensable pour moi. Pour avoir enseigné sans et avec cet outil, je peux constater qu’avec la caméra, les élèves sont plus attentifs, se repèrent plus facilement lors des passations de consigne, notamment lorsque je projette le document sur lequel ils s’apprêtent à travailler.
– Lorsque je partage avec les élèves un moment de lecture offerte, la caméra me permet de montrer les détails des illustrations. Cela leur permet de profiter pleinement de l’histoire.
-En mathématiques, lors des séances consacrées à la résolution de problèmes, les élèves peuvent présenter leur manipulation de matériel de numération. Cela leur permet d’avoir un support concret et facilite ainsi la formulation et la compréhension de leurs justifications auprès de leurs pairs.
-Comme énoncé plus haut, les documents sur lesquels ils s’apprêtent à travailler peuvent être projetés. Cela facilite la compréhension du travail à accomplir.
-En science, il est parfois intéressant de profiter de l’effet “loupe” de la caméra pour montrer à l’écran les détails d’une graine par exemple.
-Avec les élèves en difficultés , je peux corriger avec eux ou leur expliquer les exercices écrits en faisant simultanément avec eux, je leur montre aussi comment utiliser des astuces comme le code couleur par exemple.
Built to survive and thrive in the classroom environment
The HUE HD Pro is a straightforward document camera built to survive and thrive in the classroom environment.
This is a no-nonsense classroom tool that has been built, first and foremost, to help educators – even in classrooms with young children. As such it is uncomplicated in its approach, but the flexible neck has a multitude of uses, and the price is sensible even for cash-strapped schools.
The HUE HD Pro is a document camera – or classroom camera – built to make learning fun and teaching easier.
The lens has a sturdy grip for focusing, which is done manually.
When installing the app, it was impressive how far back HUE’s support extends (and how modest its requirements are); even if your institution is not in a hurry to upgrade your computer you should still find things work.
The sample images show not only how legible the text is with camera, but also the fun which can be had using the depth of field when getting close up to the collage image my son made for school.
It was notable that the automatic exposure seemed to do a good job most of the time, not over-exposing the image or making all the paper 100% white, which made sense for live viewing by a class especially.
Manual focus didn’t seem to present any kind of problem for me. It quickly becomes very natural and can be done on-device, whatever the lighting, without needing to click in an app and hope that the autofocus can manage.
Sure, the resolution isn’t high-end, but it doesn’t need to be. Not that many classrooms are equipped with digital displays above 1080P yet, for one thing!
The fact the camera can quickly be re-positioned to show children, children’s work, tiny insects, or a selfie is impressive.
With over 20 years of expertise as a tech journalist, Adam brings a wealth of knowledge across a vast number of product categories, including timelapse cameras, home security cameras, NVR cameras, photography books, webcams, 3D printers and 3D scanners, borescopes, radar detectors… and, above all, drones.
Image credit: Future
Makes a great gift for any teacher!
The HUE HD Pro would make a great gift for any teacher, business professional or student in your life who needs a portable, compact, and on-the-go document camera and visualiser. By buying the HUE HD Pro you are eliminating the need to buy a separate webcam, lighting, microphone, and even a tripod – so you are saving a great deal with this all-in-one device.
However, HUE went one step further and created a hard carry case designed exclusively for the HUE HD Pro. It has a moulded interior which perfectly fits the shape of the camera head and base, as well as accommodating the cables on the opposite side. The snug fit ensures that the camera is protected during transportation as well as providing a safe storage option, away from knocks and falls of classroom life.
HUE HD Pro Camera is a must have for teachers!
HUE HD Pro Camera is a must have for teachers! I love using a document camera in my classroom, and HUE cameras make it easier than ever, just plug & play! The HUE HD Pro Camera records video and sound to my computer, has 360 degree rotation, is USB powered, and has LED lights. I highly recommend for all teachers, either in classroom or remote!
Formations pour montrer la résolution de problème mathématique à la maternelle.
J’ai mené deux formations devant une trentaine d’enseignants chacune. Je l’ai aussi utilisée pour leur montrer les différentes procédures de résolution de problème mathématique à la maternelle pour comparer des collections déplaçables, petites et proches (perles et allumettes):
– correspondance terme à terme
– énumération du regard
– énumération jusqu’au mot-nombre
– organisation en configuration spatiale reconnaissable
– lever les doigts en énumérant et garder les doigts levés
Je leur ai présenté la caméra HUE HD Pro, ses différentes fonctionnalités et applications possibles en classe (notamment pour que les élèves puissent chacun présenter leurs stratégies de résolution de problème à la classe (leurs écrits de recherche à l’appui).
On le branche et c’est parti
Appareil à intérêt pédagogique supérieur, pour afficher à l’aide d’un vidéo projecteur des travaux d’enfants ou d’adultes sur un tableau blanc et analyser ceux-ci en collectif, ou bien réaliser un film en stop motion… pratique d’utilisation, par sa facilité de reconnaissance par un pc et par sa conception physique (on pose, on branche, on bouge dans tous les sens, et c’est parti).
A must have!
The HUE HD Pro Visualiser was the first product I purchased when I first qualified as a teacher. It has been an essential tool for me and my teaching. When I worked as a substitute teacher and worked through online learning, I had the HUE HD Pro with me at all times and used it constantly. The video is clear, there’s no delay and the fun colours make it pop in your classroom. A must have!
Un outil indispensable aux multiples applications possibles
J’ai testé la camera HUE ou “visualiseur” en tant qu’enseignante pendant 3 ans.
Je m’en servais tous les jours pour projeter un exercice de manuel que je n’avais pas en version numérique, montrer les pages d’un album ou un cahier d’élève par exemple.
Il m’arrivait aussi d’écrire sous la camera une leçon dans le cahier d’un élève absent pendant que les autres la recopiait. Lorsque j’utilisais du matériel de manipulation (dès, réglettes cuisenaires…), je le faisais sous la caméra pour que toute la classe puisse voir, idem en cas de présentation de quelque chose de petit, un objet amené par un élève ou autre chose. Je réalisais parfois des vidéos de procédures et de techniques en mathématiques et ensuite les élèves devaient commenter ce qu’ils voyaient avec le bon vocabulaire. Bref, un outil aux multiples applications possibles en classe qui m’est rapidement devenu indispensable.
Aujourd’hui, en tant que Conseillère Pédagogique, je présente la caméra HUE en formation. Ceux qui la connaissent déjà sont toujours unanimes, elle leur permet de gagner en temps et en efficacité pendant les séances.
Practising piano with the HUE HD Pro
My daughter is studying Grade 8 piano and enjoys teaching friends and family. We used the HUE HD Pro visualiser to record scales to help students learn and to provide a resource to help those preparing for grade exams.
It was important to position the camera so the student could view the keyboard over the pianist’s shoulder. This way they could easily follow the finger movements exactly as if they were playing themselves. I have a Windows 10 computer and the camera comes with its own software HUE Intuition but it also works really well with Windows 10 “Camera” app and HUE’s own Chrome “Camera Viewer” app.
Recording got easier as I made more content, and I am really pleased with the results and the quality of the recordings.
Facilité d’utilisation et excellent rapport prix/utilité
Aujourd’hui, je co-anime une formation avec une trentaine de professeurs des écoles. Toutes les classes de la grande école de Cournonterral ont été équipées de caméra HUE. Les autres enseignants découvrent cet outil et s’enthousiasment à l’écoute des témoignages positifs de leurs collègues. Sont évoquées de nombreuses applications en classe, tels que la projection d’un album de littérature de jeunesse lu à la classe, des corrections collectives de travaux d’élèves, les bons gestes à adopter en géométrie, etc et la facilité d’utilisation ainsi que l’excellent rapport prix/utilité.
Caméra de qualité et très pratique
Caméra de qualité et très pratique. Le cou pliable permet vraiment d’adapter la prise de vue pour toute situation: montrer une utilisation des outils de géométrie aux élèves, projeter une production d’élève, projeter un extrait de livre,…. Elle permet également de “scanner” la classe lors de quiz avec QCMCam notamment.
Le prix bien que plus important qu’une webcam standard se justifie largement par la présence du pied lesté et de ce cou modulable.
La cámara es increible. Muy recomendable para quien trabaja en linea.
La cámara es increíble, es muy fácil de instalar y usar. tiene flexibilidad para poder mostrar a los alumnos diferentes ángulos, compartir libros, etc. Su calidad de color es excelente así como de sonido. Mis alumnos notaron la diferencia. Es liviana y de fácil manejo. Muy recomendable para quien trabaja en línea.
Best lesson on the curriculum today- heart dissection. Students LOVED it!
Using @HUEcameras I was able to model each stage on the board, chunk tasks and ask questions all while students were seeing it happen in real time and had their equipment out.
It’s the best it’s ever gone
— Emily B (@positiveproton_) March 22, 2022
Makes online teaching so easy
I love this product and makes online teaching so easy for me. Got this shipped to India all the way from the US only so that I can offer the best to my students.
Enseignante en construction mécanique en lycée professionnel

So user friendly
This visualiser has a lovely slimline appearance and it is so compact in comparison to other brands. The neck on it moves with ease and makes it so user friendly especially for an infant classroom. It has an easy to manipulate focus lens for clarity and a light feature.
I can now easily demonstrate activities to the whole class from my desk with the display on the interactive whiteboard. At the moment I tend to use it for picture display and to do read aloud activities at our daily storytime. It is in use all day in my classroom for different activities.
It can also be used to make short videos and would have been a fantastic tool during the lockdown to coincide with the google classroom for learning and our zoom video calls, to help demonstrate work to the children.
I would highly recommend this product to any of my colleagues with a lot more added features once you become proficient in using the product.
It comes in a fabulous range of colours to suit individual taste or to colour coordinate in your room.
Thank you HUE for this wonderful donation to our school. What an amazing product.
This camera is perfect
This camera is perfect in my classroom when showing my students how to complete worksheets or reading directions. I use it every time we take a math test to help students stay on the right questions. It moves very easy to get the right angle for any set up.
La HUE montre tout
Je me sers de la HUE pour montrer des productions d’écrits, des expériences en sciences, des illustrations en littérature de jeunesse et de la manipulation avec des cubes ou des solides en maths.
Service client au top !
Votre support d’aide est au top : réactif et très explicite !
So easy to set up
HUE is awesome. I love how easy it is to move to show students my labs. It is so easy to set up and works great with Google Meet.
Os presento este juguetito
Es una @HUEHD con la que puedo mostrar lo que hago desde la mesa y se presenta en el proyector o pizarra digital.
Presentaciones, cuadernos, dibujos, ejemplos, cuentos, objetos, etc.
Muy recomendable para cualquier ámbito— RAÚL (@raulprofemadrid) September 29, 2021
Une entreprise fiable sur laquelle on peut compter
Le collège Jean Moulin de Brive est très reconnaissant de votre collaboration. Un grand merci à vous et avec un tel service après vente, très réactif de surcroît, soyez assuré de notre fidélité à votre enseigne. Une entreprise fiable sur laquelle on peut compter.
Teaching piano online
Online lessons are something I’ve always done before the pandemic. When it comes to music, students often feel more comfortable in their own environment.
Sharing backing tracks and sound on Zoom is great, the one thing I didn’t have was visuals on my keyboard. I can share the screen and the music but for piano, especially for beginner students, students really need to understand which finger goes on which note.
The only clear way I have been able to achieve this is with the The HUE HD Pro camera. I can angle the camera for the left and right hand and position it so they can see the hand positions as if they were playing by themselves.
The fingers for piano are so important and it’s usually the reason why people struggle to self teach. If learned properly from a young age it saves a lot of difficulties later on.
Now with the The HUE HD Pro camera I can teach everything I need to online. Online lessons are now more time efficient, more comfortable for the students and they also encourage independent skills as students control sound, resources and backing tracks at their end. My students have all asked to stay online after the pandemic.
One piece of equipment I know I can rely upon
My HUE Cam has been indispensable this year! We have been faced with moving rooms every lesson and periods teaching from home and the HUE Cam is one piece of equipment I know I can rely upon: it is portable, works instantaneously, and allows me to live model and feedback whenever I need to.
The service from HUE has also been second to none. At the beginning of the year my old, trusty HUE started freezing. I tried to purchase a new one but, understandably due the pandemic and changes to practice, they were as rare as *insert trite simile here*. I emailed an unashamed begging letter to HUE and they replaced it free of charge. Superb!
Indispensable pour montrer les gestes
Je suis enseignante et formatrice dans le premier degré et cette année j’ai effectué le suivi et la formation des étudiants intégralement en distanciel, individuellement ou en petits groupes. Les outils de visioconférence m’ont été indispensables mais insuffisants pour répondre à tous les besoins.
Que ce soit avec mes élèves ou les étudiants-stagiaires, le tableau est un outil de travail nécessaire et la page “tableau” des visios n’est pas vraiment adaptée (difficile d’écrire avec la souris ou le trackpad, impossible de montrer un geste). Grâce à la caméra HUE HD pro, nous avons pu travailler sur des documents communs, construits directement en fonction des besoins des étudiants: par exemple, pour leur montrer directement comment utiliser et organiser leur propre tableau lorsqu’ils sont en classe devant leurs élèves (une page blanche figure le tableau et j’écris dessus comme devra le faire l’étudiant-stagiaire dans sa classe). Elle a été également indispensable pour montrer les gestes (et les erreurs) que font souvent les élèves: comment tenir son crayon, comment utiliser les outils en géométrie…
J’ai aussi beaucoup utilisé la caméra HUE HD pro pour partager des documents non numérisés comme des manuels scolaires que je pouvais proposer sur le vif, en fonction des besoins et des demandes des étudiants-stagiaires.
N’étant pas en classe cette année, je n’ai pas pu l’utiliser avec mes élèves mais je pense m’en servir régulièrement en complément de mon tableau numérique pour montrer les gestes (écriture, arts plastiques…), faire des pas à pas en géométrie et surtout en sciences pour montrer et observer collectivement des expériences.
Amazing start to today’s lessons using my @HUEcameras for doing exam paper walk throughs today. Even recorded as I went so I have a video to pop on teams. I thought I didn’t like visualisers until I tried this!
— Ms G (@MsGee_C) June 28, 2021
Para los que todavía están dudosos🤩🙌🏼 la @HUEHD es maravillosa. Mis piratas han podido seguir los pasos y después se han podido autocorregir mirando en la pizarra 👏🏼 FELIZ😍@aaerades tardaaaaas✌🏼😜
— Andrea Fernández Cerdán (@AndrePotterclas) March 22, 2021
Clearly one of the BEST Educational investments made during a pandemic is my @HUEHD camera! Bought June 2020. It’s helped me even during remote learning or inclement weather days @WROdellElem
— Sandy Bravo-Boyd (@SandyBravoBoyd1) March 18, 2021
Excellent customer service
Excellent communication and consideration from the team ! Superb camera !
Teaching maths online
The manoeuvrability of the camera is invaluable when I am teaching using manipulatives. The children can see what I’m doing via my HUE HD and they copy me and I can watch what they’re doing, step by step via their HUE HDs. Also for bookwork – I can watch them work something out and get inside their heads to understand how their minds are working, which means I can help them every step of the way until they can find their own way.
Les lampes LEDS sont très utiles en faible éclairage.
Très bon produit. Les lampes LEDS sont très utiles en faible éclairage.
Projection des travaux d’élèves
Très bon produit, je l’utilise au quotidien pour projeter des travaux d’élèves. Service après vente super.
Lets all SWOON over @weirdbuglady 🦋
She has aimed the HUE HD Pro and a digital screen scope so her students could sketch the cells from home! 😍
— HUE (@HUEcameras) March 22, 2021
Blended learning buzz 🐝 from @teacher_kristine
"The HUE has been a game changer for me. The flexible arm is one of my favorite features. I use my iPhone and iPad but didn't always like how difficult it was to move it while teaching. I LOVE LOVE the HUE!!"
— HUE (@HUEcameras) March 16, 2021
Quarantined students didn’t miss out on being a part of this lab investigation! Students used my document camera to live stream to students each hour as they worked through the lab on “mark-recapture method”
— Coach Tyler Schmidt (@mrschmidt_gvsms) February 11, 2021
This little guy has been a game changer whether teaching remotely or from school. Can’t stop talking about him! #ShareTheLove#valentinesday2021@JulieGittoes 💕
— Vivi (@Vivi_teach) February 13, 2021
Really enjoying getting to grips with using a visualiser. Game changer for looking at landforms in physical geog whilst remote teaching!
— Alex McCafferty (@McCaffertyGeog) February 10, 2021
It was so easy, thank you for making something that is actually functional for teachers to use!
— Steph Kimble 👩🏻🏫 (@MissS_Kimble) January 19, 2021
Live modelling in a teams lesson with y12 this morning using my @HUEHD Pro camera- enables online lessons to be so much more interactive and clear for students rather than clicking through a PowerPoint!
— Mr RubBiology 🔬🧬 (@rubbiology) January 8, 2021
Reading to students in-person & virtually @ the same time for #HourOfCode . We ❤️How to Code a Sandcastle & How to Code a Roller Rollercoaster! Love my HueHD docamera too!
— Michelle Burns (@yoburnzie) December 11, 2020
Aide aux élèves déficients visuels
La caméra HUE permet aux élèves ayant une difficulté visuelle de pouvoir travailler sur un support papier comme les autres camarades. Cela aide d’autant plus l’enseignant car parfois les documents ne peuvent être modifiés. Le logiciel de la caméra permet de visualiser le document plein écran sur l’ordinateur ; les différents boutons sont en taille réduite ce qui offre une visibilité complète. Cela offre un champ de vision confortable.
University distance learning
As an English teacher, distant learning can represent a real opportunity to develop certain skills, as reading & writing activities for example. Nonetheless activities involving oral interaction are sometimes complicated when everyone is left alone behind their screens. I have to say that the use of the HUE webcam has helped me a lot during my synchronous class. Students were able not only to read my lips, but also see my face and all these expressions that are totally part of interacting. I could also encourage them to switch on their cameras as they could see how friendlier and more pleasant it was for everyone if we could see each other. The quality of the built-in microphone is rather good, and the camera is very simple to use. I also appreciated the flexible neck to project A4 documents to students. For example, you take notes on what they say while they are speaking and then you can project your notes for a direct feedback.
Muy útil y versátil para crear nuevas dinámicas en clases virtuales y presenciales
La cámara HUE document PRO se ha convertido en un recurso imprescindible en el día a día tanto en clases presenciales como telemáticas. No solamente para mostrar fichas, documentos… en la PDI, sino que tiene muchísimas potencialidades para crear nuevas dinámicas en el aula.
Debido a la situación sanitaria, compartir materiales en el aula puede ser un problema; no obstante, la cámara HUE posibilita proyectar material manipulativo para compartir con el grupo clase (dados, regletas, ábacos, flashcards, mapas, tableros…) con el fin de apoyar nuestras explicaciones o proponer nuevas dinámicas y juegos en el aula, respetando el distanciamiento social. Igualmente, estas actividades pueden ser llevadas a cabo desde nuestras clases telemáticas, aportando material físico y haciendo que sean mucho más dinámicas y motivadoras.
Sketchnoting: showing works better than telling how to do it…
A few weeks ago, I discovered a new thing that could help my students remember their lesson: sketchnoting. I was very excited about sharing this technique, which I was certain would help many of them, especially those who encountered problems with reading and memorizing, as can happen with dyslexia. In this case, showing works better than telling how to do it… but I had no tool to film my hands while drawing! Until I discovered the HUE HD Pro camera. I was surprised by the quality of the image, and after a few moments to learn how to set up and handle the camera, it worked splendidly. The team at HUE were extremely quick and helpful with that! The result completely met my expectations. See for yourself and tell me what you think!
Used in art lessons directly with the Promethean monitor
I use the HUE camera when I’m threading up sewing machines. It’s always tricky demonstrating small things, my colleague and I both use the camera in our art lessons now. I can plug it directly into the Promethean monitor too, so it’s perfect for sewing machine, batik demonstrations.
Teach and record lessons
I’m very happy with HUE HD Pro, it allows me to teach at class and to record my lesson at the same time. When I bought it, I had a little problem with the audio and I contacted HUE. I got quickly instructions how to fix it and I got a very easy answer to remplace the webcam.
You wanted to know how I heard about your product? I bet no one told you this before.
Well, I was watching a video about remote learning/teaching when the camera panned the teacher’s desk. The red color caught my eye, and I wanted to know what the item was on the desk. I stopped the video, took a screenshot, and uploaded it to Google Pictures. Then I used Google Lens to identify your document reader. It’s incredible what technology can do, isn’t it?
Used with interactive flat panels. Clear image and easy-to-use functions.
Prior to the installation of new interactive flat panels (IFPs) in our classrooms, we were provided with two “”test”” panels for teachers to use and learn. One of the IFPs was placed in the classroom of our 5th grade Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) class. It was opportune that I received the HUE HD Pro document camera at relatively the same time as the installation.
Since I don’t have my own classroom, I asked the GATE teacher if should would like to try out the new HUE with the new IFP, and she agreed. We were both completely “”wowed”” by the device. The image was clear, the photos and videos were high definition, and the functions were easy to use. This document camera is amazing, and will definitely be the one I recommend we purchase when we are in the market for new ones.
Unfortunately, I was unable to take photos prior to leaving school for our Covid-19 closures, but I will submit photos as soon as I possibly can.
Teaching math remotely
I teach math at Truman College one of the City Colleges of Chicago (2 year community colleges) as a long-time Adjunct Faculty member. I started using the HUE HD Pro Document Camera in my Calculus 1 and Discrete Mathematics classes in the previous semester (Spring 2020) when they were forced online by the pandemic.
Once I got the Document Camera it made it possible, in conjunction with Zoom, for me to write with pencil and paper and do a full scale lecture/problem solving/Q & A while communicating with my students in real time (and also record it for those who missed the virtual class). I could also share my screen in Zoom to intersperse excerpts from YouTube lectures, MyOpenMath open source Homework website, open source Textbook, etc..
Over the summer I took courses to get officially certified by the City Colleges to teach online
courses. I will be teaching remotely again this Fall for the City Colleges and also at Roosevelt University where I have also been an Adjunct Instructor for many years.
I also used the HUE HD Pro Document Camera to do one on one online tutoring for the Math Center at Truman College which I had done in person for over 30 years.
La motivación se ha multiplicado como nunca
En definitiva: con la cámara HUE HD Pro mis clases son más ágiles y claras, mis alumnos entienden más las explicaciones y sus resultados han mejorado, y la motivación se ha multiplicado como nunca. Una herramienta que ha cambiado mi día a día en las aulas y que recomiendo sin duda.
Uno de los mejores inventos
Un día, una maestra me enseñó uno de los mejores inventos que se ha creado para hacer más fácil la vida del maestro dentro del aula: Cámara HUE HD Pro.”
It helped me during distance learning
I like to use the HUE camera because it’s connected to my laptop. It helped me during distance learning because I can record my screen. It was very helpful. It’s available at a good price point.
This camera exceeds expectations.
This camera exceeds expectations. It’s plug and play design makes is super easy to set up, and transport anywhere. It’s sleek design makes it easy to use in tight spaces which classrooms tend to be. I’ve used it to record videos for distance learning, but also used it as a document camera in my classroom.
BEST piece of kit I bought starting my #nqt year was this visualiser @HUEHD
WHO would have thought it would be so essential now more than ever! #SocialDistancing in lessons made much easier with this!— LoveLearning (@Teach_ArtDesign) July 15, 2020
Je l’emmène partout !
Pour ma part, je trouve que la caméra HUE est une très bonne alternative si la classe ou l’école ne dispose pas d’Ipads pouvant servir de visualiseur (projeter des documents, des productions d’élèves, découvrir un insecte, un escargot…) et permettant de réaliser des films d’animations par petite groupe. La caméra HUE est de très bonne qualité, avec une lumière en dessous permettant d’éclairer le support projeté et une roulette permettant de faire la mise au point. C’est très pratique pour les formations lorsque le formateur souhaite projeter un travail de groupe pour le montrer aux stagiaires et des productions d’élèves…Je l’emmène partout, la caméra prend très peu de place. Elle est facilement opérationnelle une fois que le bon logiciel est installé et qu’on a le code. Très bon investissement.
This is a life changer. Not only can I use it for my virtual@lessons, I can create animations and record for my Youtube channel(Red Pen Chronicles). So thanks to @HueHD for this wonderful camera! #iteachela…
— Ms. Williams (@williamswriters) April 8, 2020
Excellent product and customer support
Excellent product and excellent Tech support for people who aren’t techy.
Reliée à un serveur d’impression sur Raspberry PI4 la caméra me permet de surveiller mes impressions 3D
J’enseigne les mathématiques au collège, j’utilisais la caméra HUE depuis quelques années comme visualiseur. J’étais satisfait de cette utilisation toutefois depuis cette année je suis dans un établissement équipé en i-pad pour les enseignants. N’utilisant plus la caméra pour les cours j’ai décidé de la recycler pour faire la surveillance de mes impressions 3D. Reliée à un serveur d’impression sur Raspberry PI4 la caméra me permet de surveiller mes impressions depuis n’importe où. J’aimerais toutefois pourvoir allumer la lumière à distance.
Merci @HUEHD @HUEHD_FR ! Caméra bien reçue il y a quelques jours et mise à l'essai aujourd'hui. C'est le top!
— Céline White (@etihWenileC) April 1, 2020
The camera quality is better than my Lumens one in school
So I left my trusty visualiser in my classroom, so ordered myself a HUE HD PRO to make content from home… I can already tell the camera quality is better than my lumens one in school.
A new dimension to speaking in our French lessons.
Visualisers have helped to add a new dimension to speaking in our French lessons. Normally students would remain seated and read their writing aloud. With a visualiser, students enjoy coming up to the front, proudly reading their writing while the class simultaneously follow what has been written.
For safe demonstrations in the science lab.
In the science lab I have been using the visualiser as part of teacher demonstrations. This is much safer because demonstrations are often used for reactions that are too dangerous for students to carry out so with the visualiser they are kept at a safe distance but can very clearly see what is going on using the big screen.
A staple for my online tutoring in maths
Love this camera! A staple for my online tutoring in maths whenever I am using real life objects and manipulatives to demo things.
Un outil précieux pour assurer la continuité pédagogique
Cette petite caméra est très pratique et sait se rendre utile dans de nombreuses circonstances : en classe pour montrer en grand groupe (avec le vidéo-projecteur) un détail, une image, l’intérieur d’un terrarium… Et en ce moment, en ces temps de confinement et de continuité pédagogique, elle est un outil précieux que je suis ravie d’avoir avec moi ! Avec la caméra HUE, je peux réaliser très simplement des vidéos et des enregistrements pour rester en contact avec mes élèves. Par exemple, la fermeture soudaine de l’école avait mis en pause l’avancée dans notre lecture du moment. De chez moi, je peux raconter ou lire la suite de l’album commencé en classe pour garder une cohérence dans le travail et dans l’appétit des élèves pour apprendre. Bref, cette petite caméra devient vite indispensable pour faciliter la vie et les apprentissages !
The images it projects are super clear
The product is amazing. The images it projects are super clear and it is going to be of great use in my classroom. I needed to contact HUE Support as I had an issue with activating my software and Zeel couldn’t have been more helpful. The guidance provided was clear, simple to follow and worked. The responses were quick and everything was sorted out very quickly. Super happy customer. Will definitely be back for more. Thank you.
Honestly, I don’t remember teaching without it.
I LOVE my HUE document camera. I teach science and when I’m doing an experiment I need the students to see me model the process. That can become difficult when a large group of students is crowded around a table. With my HUE document camera, they can ALL see me from the comfort of their desks. I use it for worksheets, experiments, reading books, and anything else I can fit under that camera!
Top product with top support
Cet outil est pertinent et simple à utiliser
Nous utilisons le visualiseur pour toutes nos formations. Cela nous permet de partir des productions réalisées par les participants et de les corriger, entourer, surligner en direct. C’est beaucoup plus convivial qu’un diaporama figé. Je recommande ++++
Très pratique pour une présentation face à 50 personnes
La caméra HUE HD Pro m’a permis de faire visualiser sur grand écran (vidéoprojection) des jeux et des manipulations que je réalisais sur une table (très pratique pour une présentation face à 50 personnes).
Bien sûr, pour la pratique en classe des enseignants, j’imagine de nombreuses possibilités (présentation d’exercice pour passer la consigne, exposer des réalisations d’élèves lors de mise en commun, saynète réalisée par des élèves avec des jouets / des marottes, etc…)
La caméra HUE est une vraie petite merveille !
Je suis très satisfaite de ce produit et la trouve déjà vraiment bien en l’état.
J’ai pu l’utiliser pour de nombreuses activités et, tout récemment, elle nous a permis de réaliser des échanges vidéo avec la classe de nos correspondants (également équipée d’une caméra HUE).
C’était vraiment idéal pour filmer à la fois le grand groupe mais aussi pour filmer un livre à faire découvrir ou des photos de notre sortie scolaire.
We love using our HUE HD to introduce new books on Fridays
First Chapter Friday with the hue_hd! Our HUE HD camera is so versatile; we use it with everything! As a teacher, it is so easy to set up and easily able to be moved around the classroom. It can be used in ALL subject areas! We love using our HUE HD to introduce new books on Fridays & did I mention that it’s totally affordable too?
I was able to try it out before moving forward with a purchase.
I love the HUE! It is easy to use and so versatile in everyday use! I am glad I was able to try it out before moving forward with a purchase. I would highly recommend the HUE to anyone who would use a document camera.
My students enjoy bringing their original stories to life
I have used the HUE Animation Studio in my classroom for the last four years. I appreciate how user friendly it is. I love the storyboard template and other printable handouts. My students enjoy bringing their original stories to life. HUE makes learning even more enjoyable.
I also use my HUE Animation Studio to compete in our annual district film festival. Students learn very quickly and create amazing entries. You can find some student entries here.
Excellent customer service!
My comment is about HUE customer service. Our school ordered approximately 16 HUE HD cameras for teachers to use in both ELA and Math last school year. This year we had an issue with one of the cameras that was not working. I contacted HUE and they are sending a replacement! It was quick; easy, and no hassle!
LEGO® Education Europe
Anything that allows children to get hands-on and creative will always get a big thumbs up from me. Expression and communication are so important in children’s development and HUE Animation supports these key areas. It will no doubt inspire children to follow creative career paths but also bring fun into their learning. It is also extremely affordable and great value for money.
A job well done!
Lionel Primary School
This is a fantastic resource which we have used in our school for several years. It has been instrumental in raising standards in a range of curriculum areas. Pupils are inspired and motivated and thoroughly enjoy making their own films and animations. Staff use them daily to model/display pupil work/lesson objectives and exemplary work. Highly recommended!
Islington Arts & Media School
As an introduction to animation, HUE Animation Studio is a great way to discover the joy of creating and seeing the illusion of moving images in a manageable school time frame – whether it is one lesson or a school open evening.
Flimby Primary School
I’d be delighted to recommend the HUE HD Pro to colleagues and will be doing as I attend meetings as a head.
The teacher that initially used the visualiser used it for maths and English lessons with Year 5 and 6 and was able to model shape drawing while the children could see clearly what she was doing and how she was moving the equipment. In terms of English she was able to annotate a piece of writing with the children while they watched and discussed it therefore making the experience hands on without the need for photocopying. The staff plan to use the visualisers to enhance English and maths lessons as well as other curriculum areas from Reception to Year 6.
Your product is easy to use, reliable and great value for money.
Super Thinkers Ltd
Thank you for creating a wonderful product. The abilities of bringing stories to life has helped children in our setting give purpose to story telling. Dyslexics find it hard to write what’s in their minds but this allows them to write their stories.
The Bridge School
I have used HUE Animation software and cameras with my class of students who have autism and severe learning difficulties. They were able to create their own short movies with minimal support – the activity also encouraged them to work cooperatively, something that they can find very challenging. They were all very pleased with the results which we put onto our MLE to share with families.
Broomwood Hall School
We found the HUE tablet stand to be not only the most cost effective iPad grip by far, but also the simplest and most versatile way we have seen so far of holding an iPad steady during animating lessons. It is very well designed with the right balance of flexibility and sturdiness, enabling the iPad to be held steady in any position so the children can concentrate on what is important.
Cuffley School
Cuffley school initially purchased 4 HUE Pro cameras. The software was easy to install and the visualisers proved very useful to the teachers. Other teachers in the school were interested in their use and were soon asking if they could have one in their classroom. I have now purchased ten more. I have found they are very good value for money and the teachers not only like the immediate image the visualisers project but the fact they can video an explanation of a concept which can then be replayed for the children who may need that little bit of extra help to understand.
Cheam Park Farm Junior School
We use HUE’s HD Pro Cameras in every class in the school and have been impressed by their versatility and quality. The cameras are excellent as visualisers in the classroom or for small groups to use when creating their own animations. The software also allows teachers or children to make short videos of their work or a demonstration of a method in maths for example. These can then be uploaded to a school website or VLE. We highly recommend the HUE HD Pro Camera to all schools.
Slated Row School
We use the HUE Animation cameras and software with children who have special needs. They quickly learn how to operate the camera to move either a background or item and check on the laptop screen how that will appear in the ‘movie’. Children operating at 5 year+ levels become very independent and work cooperatively to share their ideas, retell stories and illustrate what they have learned. The ease of use means that the learning is not hampered by the technology.
Cannon Lane Primary School
Absolutely love using ‘HUE’, best classroom tool and even my class prefer them over iPad Reflector software. My classroom teaching and assessment would be incomplete without HUE.
Marlborough Primary School
We have been using the HUE cameras at our school for a few years now. We have a set which we use in conjunction with the laptops. They are very easy for our year 2s to use and we have made some great animations with them. They are also very good to use as visualisers to project our children’s work onto the interactive whiteboards for a class discussion. Some items made from brightly coloured plastic don’t work but these cameras are working really well and a great, cheap resource for any classroom.
Don Valley Academy
In a recent OFSTED inspection an inspector commented on the use of the visualiser (HUE HD) in a Food Studies lesson and the positive impact it had.
Igloo Education
I have used the HUE cameras in several schools in the UK as both visualisers and cameras to easily create images for animations. They are so easy to set up and to use.
Ripley Junior School
The children love to see handiwork on screen when using as a visualiser, but the most exciting part is using HUE for animation. This particular topic is a highlight of the year – fun and instantly rewarding.
Holy Spirit Elementary
The document camera is working very well! It has made things easier in the classroom as I do not have to scan everything before showing it to my kids! The cameras have amazing quality and the possibilities are limitless!
Mountain View Elementary School
Without communication, and often augmented communication devices, my special education classroom and the students who call it their learning home, would fall apart. Another very important part of our teaching style is having a clear and distraction-free desk. Without a spacious learning environment, our kids can become confused and overwhelmed. HUE Stands keep the students communicating, distraction free. Our kiddos have found a new home for their communication devices in these HUE Stands. Now they always know just where to find their voices in a pinch.
Cottage Grove Primary School
We use the cameras with our Year 2 pupils. The most exciting part of HUE is the animation aspect. The children love seeing their images move. We have also used them in class as a visualiser.
Teachers, UK
Excellent day, very informative and useful practical activity. This has made me confident to go back and start implementing animation with my students.
What fun! Good team building exercise. We learnt that a good thing can’t be rushed.
A great day proving that good teaching can be playing with Plasticine.
What an interesting way to spend a PD day. I feel quite animated it was great to have hands on experience that was as much fun as it was informative.
A wonderful day, I can’t wait to try it out at school.
Wow what an entertaining day! Eat your heart out Nick Park.
Exciting, satisfying and fun filled – better than a day at Alton Towers.
Educator, Colorado
I can’t think of a better way to show how children synthesize information.
Educator, California
The standard for what educational software could be.
Educator, Massachusetts
Students are empowered to demonstrate their own learning.
Instructional Technology Specialist
The students are so engaged that they are having such rich content conversations in their groups. The hands-on nature has appealed to many different types of learning styles, too. Everyone is on task and making a contribution. The technology tool, SAM Animation*, truly is a facilitator allowing for real world skills to be developed and core curriculum to be front and center.
* HUE Animation was previously known as SAM Animation.
Fifth Grade Teacher
Students were asked, ‘Doing this project, I feel that a) I know more about the explorer than I did before or b) my knowledge of the explorer hasn’t changed.’
Almost 100% have chosen ‘a’).
Teacher, Minnesota
A great way to assess and solidify students’ understanding of certain concepts, but it also helps them develop cooperative working skills, creative thinking, and simply enjoy learning.
Teacher, Massachusetts
Gives students of all ages opportunities to show what they know in an artistic, engaging and non-threatening manner. And they have fun while they learn!
Teacher, Iowa
Both easy to use and affordable… I can share the magic of making stop motion with my 5th grade students and stick to a very limited budget!