¿Qué consiste mi licencia de HUE Intuition?
How does the ‘Hide Intuition’ button work in Image Capture mode? (Windows-only)
As well as the options in the Settings tab, HUE Intuition 2.0 now saves some additional configuration options between launches to make it easier to use than ever before. The new saved settings are:
- Camera selection
- Microphone selection
- Microphone volume
- Flip/Mirror settings
- Scan mode: ‘Autosave’ location
- Document Camera mode: Tool/Fill/Color settings
- Image Capture mode: Duration/Interval/Mode/Privacy settings
Windows users can delete their saved settings by removing the Users\[your username]\AppData\Local\hue directory.
On macOS, the saved settings are stored in your ~Library/Preferences/com.bkl.HUE-Intuition.plist file.
FAQs: HUE Intuition