The HUE HD Pro can be used for homeschooling, online tutoring or video calls with family and friends. Simply connect the camera to a USB port and use it straight away with your preferred video conferencing app.
You can set the digital timer for automated image capture or use the motion capture feature to watch for movement. This turns the HUE HD Pro into a remote monitoring or security camera.

The camera is amazing quality and it’s really easy to set up
HUE Animation Studio is Editor’s Choice and Best Tech Toy chosen by MadeforMums
A really nice gadget that can provide hours of fun for children (and adults)
A really nice gadget that can provide hours of fun for children (and adults) to spark imaginations and give an insight into the making of movies. Excellent instruction booklet and useful box that creates a background for making films along with four downloadable backdrops. Would make an ideal present.
Easy to set up, with helpful, clear instructions.
This was easy to set up, with helpful, clear instructions. We tried the no-handed eating, how-to-fly videos and also enjoyed creating stop motion pictures. This is great for a wide age range as everyone can get involved. This was so much fun. It comes with a case so it’s all easily stored. Brilliant.
The quality of this product is excellent!
“The image (or picture) quality is excellent! Something I didn’t honestly expect. I think kids will absolutely love making creative tutorials with this HD Pro Camera. The carrying case is a plus as well.”
“The adjustable neck makes things so convenient when making videos or video conferencing. I love this design and the carrying case is a plus!”
“The quality of this product is excellent! I really love how there are so many ways that you can use this camera whether it is for video calls, automated image capture, or just making great video.”
It’s a great STEM product!
‘ It’s easy to learn how to use and the design and quality is excellent! It would make a great birthday gift for any child.’
‘ There are so many wonderful creative videos your kids can make with this animation kit. It’s the perfect product to get them off of social media and actually make something really great with technology. This animation studio is something I would recommend to every family with kids.’
‘ If your child loves animation (and the majority of them do) this is the perfect product for them. It provides hours of creative imagination play plus STEM play. ‘ ‘The final product is fun for the whole family to enjoy. I also think the quality is excellent!’
‘ This is the ultimate Creative Play product! I love the quality and concept! My son couldn’t wait to start making his own stop-motion video. It’s something that he’s been fascinated with having seen the technology on television. It’s easy to use and I love watching his creative mind at work. It’s a great STEM product!’
Le HUE Animation Studio n’est pas seulement un outil créatif, c’est aussi un moyen de créer des souvenirs.
Depuis mon enfance, j’ai été captivé par l’art de l’animation. L’idée de donner vie à des objets inanimés à travers des images en mouvement m’a toujours fasciné. C’est pourquoi, lorsque j’ai découvert le kit HUE Animation Studio, j’ai sauté sur l’occasion de créer mes propres films animés.
Lorsque j’ai ouvert la boîte, j’ai été agréablement surpris par la qualité du matériel. La caméra USB HUE HD est compacte, légère et facile à manipuler. Elle s’est connectée sans problème à mon ordinateur, et j’ai été impressionné par la netteté des images qu’elle capturait. Le logiciel HUE Animation était simple à installer, et j’ai rapidement commencé à explorer ses fonctionnalités.
Mon premier projet a été modeste : j’ai animé un petit personnage en pâte à modeler. J’ai positionné la caméra, pris une série de photos, puis les ai assemblées dans le logiciel. Voir mon personnage prendre vie à l’écran a été une expérience magique. J’ai continué à expérimenter avec des LEGO, des figurines et même des dessins. Chaque mouvement, chaque image, était une étape vers la création de mon propre univers animé.
Le livre inclus dans le kit a été mon guide. J’y ai trouvé des conseils pratiques, des astuces pour améliorer mes animations, et des idées pour de nouveaux projets.
Le HUE Animation Studio n’est pas seulement un outil créatif, c’est aussi un moyen de créer des souvenirs. J’ai réalisé des films pour des anniversaires, des fêtes de famille et même des projets scolaires. Chaque animation est devenue un souvenir d’un moment précieux. Je me souviens des rires partagés avec mes amis, des heures passées à ajuster chaque image, et de la fierté d’avoir créé quelque chose de spécial.
This is the coolest little toy/education item for a child
My daughter loved how easy it was to take the photos and how even easier it was (click of a button) to see the stop motion put together with all our images.
Having the computer program installed was a breeze and once the program was up and running, it was so easy to put together our first creation.
We were SO EXCITED to get this package in our hands! We have been dying to try stop motion photography and the second we saw the package… we were excited!
This is the coolest little toy/education item for a child. It challenges them to create cool scenes for the stop motion and really allows them to be creative and imaginative! Much needed these days!
A great way of distracting kids from sedentary screen time!
There was much poring over this extremely cool-looking camera, which allows kids to create amazing stop-motion movies, setting them on the path to becoming little Greta Gerwigs and Steven Spielbergs! The JDA panel liked the fun and approachable look of this gadget and thought it was well-supported by the HUE book of Animation, allowing children from seven years up to get hands-on with film. The judges agreed that this would make a great gift combining tech with imagination and skills such as set-building, script writing and more.
“Ironically, this gadget is a great way of distracting kids from sedentary screen time by getting them to create their own highly creative content! A fab gift idea for any kids who want an easy way to get to grips with making their own films.” Bonita Turner, Editor of Junior.
“Hours of fun to be had with this fab piece of tech that gives kids a real understanding of stop-motion film while looking super cool on any desk. I like the way the camera itself looks as though it might come alive at any moment!” Eleonore Crompton, Deputy Editor, Junior
It was so much fun and extremely easy to use
Perfect for family time
Visually interesting shots and moves
The reason I went for the HUE HD cam is that it has a gooseneck and a focus ring, and it’s small. Perfect for working with time constraints while making visually interesting shots and moves.
- It doesn’t take a lot of expensive hardware, like computer operated dollies and cranes.
- It can get you up real close in strange positions while still being able to focus.
- You can even do cranes with some effort.
- You want your focus to be lockable when you’re doing a stop motion.
- Plus you can actually shift focus during a shot.
That said, just remember the most important part in any film: story.
Here is the HUE HD webcam in action:
Perfect for playing games with friends or for talking to grandchildren online
During Lockdown we have really missed our grandchildren and sharing stories. The HUE camera has been absolutely perfect. We can turn the camera to talk to our grandchildren and then focus it on the books we are reading. They absolutely love it and can clearly see the words and the pictures.
It has also been great for playing games with friends. We have set it up to focus on the Trivial pursuits board and been able to play with friends. Everyone has seen the board clearly. I have also used it to send documents that normally I would have shared face to face.
As a former headteacher of an Infant and Nursery school, I wish I had had this to use in school. I can think of 101 uses that I could have made of this while teaching from putting the words to hymns on screen, to demonstrating to classes and many more. So versatile, easy to use and so light and easy to transport.
I have used the camera for my son’s online classes
I have used the camera for my son’s online classes it has really helped us in the session. The tutor recommended it to us and it has really made the sessions better to manage. I can switch anytime in between so that the tutor can see my son or the work he is producing. The quality is really good and very easy to operate. Overall, I’m very satisfied with it. 🙂
Follow Your Dreams
Fantastic animation kit! I use these for group animation workshops for disabled children and young people and they are so simple to use, the children really engage with them. We have made some really impressive work with these and the accompanying hints and tips book is great for learning techniques. The flip-down set included on the box is really useful too! Very highly recommended for group activities or for a gift.
The educational impact is tremendous as children’s creativity is unleashed and they develop additional skills in communication and teamwork that will be of benefit to them throughout their lives.
My grandson was at a loss for words when he started on the program. He can be quite a talker, but he seemed stuck on one word: cool… cool… COOOOL.
Able Radio
HUE Animation is really fun and simple to use, with a cool camera, producing sharp images; great for all ages and abilities. We loved using this to create stop motion animations, as well as some nice drawn ones.
Parent, Australia
The most fabulous part is that even though they are only little kids, they are able to use the software all on their own.
Parent, Venezuela
It’s amazing how easy it is to use and inherently teach at the same time.
It is refreshing as a parent to see an app that is not a game or simply a way to drill kids on subject matter.
Parent, Massachusetts
My son will be so happy today when he comes home from school… thank you so much for your help… you made his day… his millennium!
Parent, USA
I tried a lot of a demo versions of stop motion software out there, and my 8-year old loves your version the best. Thank you!
Parent, California
My 12 and 10 year olds learned SAM animation at a summer camp affiliated with their school and LOVED it! It was amazing how incredible the movies were. I was stunned and sooo excited!
Parent, Australia
It makes them feel really big to be able to think about a story and then create and film it is so much better than spending their time playing computer games!!!
Parent, UK
Thank you for all your help and assistance, I must say I am very impressed with your level of support.
Parent, Tennessee
I am very impressed with the added customer service you have given me! You went above and beyond and I really appreciate it!