I need help using HUE with Photo Booth on my Mac
The light under the camera lens doesn’t come on
To use HUE as a microphone, you will need to select it as the microphone in your chosen chat software’s audio preferences screen. The microphone is built into the camera and it can either be used with the video, or independently. If you don’t want to record sound you can disable the microphone in your audio settings at any time.
You can also set the camera as your default system microphone.
Windows: For Windows XP users this option is in Control Panel, Sound, then under the Voice tab. Make sure that HUE is selected as the Default Device and if necessary click the Volume button to adjust its settings. For Windows Vista, 7, 8 and 10 users the options are in Control Panel, Sound, then the Recording tab. Make sure that HUE is ticked as the Default Device and if necessary click Properties to adjust its volume and boost settings. Remember to save any changes with OK.
Mac OS X: Go to System Preferences, then the Sound pane, then the Input tab. Make sure that the camera is selected in the list and the input volume is set high enough.