HUE Camera Viewer is a free tool for connecting to your HUE camera using Google’s Chrome browser on Windows, macOS, Linux or Chrome OS.
You can try HUE Camera Viewer now here.
If you choose to store your HUE Camera Viewer projects on Google Drive, you will be asked for permission to connect to the service so that the software can display and save your images and videos on your Drive. Our Privacy Policy explains how HUE Camera Viewer uses your information and exactly which details will be shared.
If you subscribe to our blog via email, you’ll be notified about all of the latest HUE news. You can unsubscribe at any time; please see our Privacy Policy for full details of how your email address will be stored and used.
Already using the beta version of our app? Please see below for help with common setup problems.
This tutorial will show you how to view your live video in our HUE Camera Viewer app for the Google Chrome browser.
Please note that HUE Camera viewer is currently offered as a beta version for testing. The beta version of the app may have features that will differ from the final version. If you need any help, please check the FAQs and contact us for further assistance.
To access HUE Camera Viewer, visit the link using the Google Chrome browser. You should be asked for permission to use your Camera and Microphone; if you do not see the pop-ups you may need to configure your Chrome security settings.
This Tutorial will be expanded in the coming days.
This tutorial will show you how to view your live video in our HUE Camera Viewer app for the Google Chrome browser.
Please note that HUE Camera viewer is currently offered as a beta version for testing. The beta version of the app may have features that will differ from the final version. If you need any help, please check the FAQs and contact us for further assistance.
To access HUE Camera Viewer, visit the link using the Google Chrome browser. You should be asked for permission to use your Camera and Microphone; if you do not see the pop-ups you may need to configure your Chrome security settings.
This Tutorial will be expanded in the coming days.