National Science & Engineering Week (NSEW)

SAM Animation version 1.5 is out with a new clean look
Just in time for making fun & goofy holiday stop-motion videos for your friends we’ve released a new version of myCreate! Yup, with this update you can import music from iTunes (who doesn’t enjoy watching a movie with music?!) AND you can copy frames. We know that myCreate isn’t quite up to par on the editing features as SAM Animation desktop *quite yet* but we’ll get there and the first step is the copy frame feature!

One of our beloved holiday classics of all time is “Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer” — this is claymation at its finest. And who doesn’t love an ‘ol stop-motion holiday classic? Make your own this season with the iPad…easier to maneuver than the computer+webcam, and easier to share directly to YouTube and Facebook. What’s your version of Rudolph??