Conseils pratiques partie 6 : Disparition et Grossisement

[EN] Awards: HUE Animation triumphs in the Dad’s Choice Awards
Necessity is the mother of invention.
For those of you who do not live in the North East, you may not know that it feels like it has been snowing forever. The concept of leaving the house has become fleeting, and the image of green grass is one of a forgotten dream.
Alright, I will stop being a big dramatic whinny pants, accept the fact that I live in New England and it is in fact winter, and get on with the real meat of this blog.
So as I was saying, it has been snowing. With this weather cabin fever has a way of setting in, and in a household with two small children this can truly become an issue. So with a little bundling, the promise of hot chocolate later in the day (complete with marshmallows and whipped cream), and the spirit of fun, we ventured out into the arctic wasteland otherwise known as my front yard. Upon acclimation to the bright, bleak, whitewashed surroundings we all discovered something; we discovered that playing in the snow could be fun. After this initial discovery, we also discovered that while our yard lacks the appropriate slope for sledding, we have acquired enough snow to build our own sledding resort that we deemed “Mount Driveway”.
The reason I share this accomplishment with you is to make the initial point that necessity is the mother of invention. We had the strong desire to sled (I can’t go as far as calling it a necessity), so we made it happen. In addition to desire, I watched my children flex their creative muscle and come up with an amazing solution to the problem, and also be in absolute bliss about the new “sledding hill”. I promise if you asked either one of them they would tell you that you need to ride the chair lift to get to the top, and that it was the steepest and fastest ride you have ever been on.
So the next time you are stuck, be it creatively or in any other way, I challenge you to think of a creative solution. To be cliché, think of the words of Kevin Costner and remember…
“If you build it, they will come”
In this case they came, they imagined, and they had fun.
Stay warm, and stay creative!