Jouets de Noël

Jouets de Noël

Noël s'approche... Si vous cherchez encore « le » cadeau parfait pour un de vos proches, nous avons peut-être la solution. Surtout si le proche en question s’intéresse à l’animation, ou si c’est un enfant… de 7 à 97 ans ! Avez-vous pensé à offrir un Studio d'animation HUE ? « Le Studio d’animation HUE, c’est ...
HUE Animation Studio: Tried and Tested

HUE Animation Studio: Tried and Tested

The best way to find out whether a product is exactly what you want is to try it yourself - or to talk to someone who already tested it! For today's post we're going to introduce some reviews of our HUE Animation Studio kit with contributions from teachers, bloggers, mums ...
Try a HUE product at your school - for FREE!

Try a HUE product at your school – for FREE!

One question we're often asked by our education customers is whether our classroom products will be suitable for their teaching styles, existing equipment and computer configurations. Many teachers dream of having their own document camera or visualiser like the HUE HD cameras - but budgets are tight. It's understandable that ...
[EN] Awards: HUE Animation Studio at the Dad's Choice Awards 2015!

[EN] Awards: HUE Animation Studio at the Dad’s Choice Awards 2015!

We're running out of space to list all of these accolades on our Awards page! Today's announcement celebrates the recognition that our HUE Animation Studio kit recently received in both the Dad's Choice Awards and the Independent Toy Awards. HUE Animation Studio was rated Highly Commended winner in the 2015 ...
hue pro all

10 caméras HUE HD Pro à gagner !

Nous allons organiser deux concours ; un sur notre compte Twitter et l'autre sur notre page Facebook. Les deux vont commencer lundi 16 novembre à 12h GMT+1, et se termineront lundi 23 novembre 2015 à 12h GMT+1. Comment participer ? Suivez @huehd et twettez la raison pour laquelle vous voudriez gagner la caméra HUE HD Pro ...
Video Review: The HUE HD Pro Camera as a Classroom Document Camera

Video Review: The HUE HD Pro Camera as a Classroom Document Camera

Teacher and Instructional Technology Facilitator Michael West of Wendell Middle School has put together a fantastic video review of our HUE HD Pro document camera, which takes the viewer through the process of using the camera in the classroom one step at a time. Mike can be found on Twitter ...
[EN] Awards: HUE Animation Studio wins 2015 awards from Creative Child Magazine

[EN] Awards: HUE Animation Studio wins 2015 awards from Creative Child Magazine

As the world becomes ever more interconnected and 'flat,' creative thinking and problem solving are constantly being hailed as the 21st century skills that every child needs.  So how does one nurture those skills in children?  One way is by encouraging learning through creative play, and HUE Animation Studio does ...
Using the HUE HD Pro Document Camera in Peer Editing

Using the HUE HD Pro Document Camera in Peer Editing

If you've ever been anywhere near Tennessee, you no doubt will have heard about Sharon Clark and her fourth grade Success Team at East Side Intermediate School!  Ms. Clark, a 2015 PBS Lead Digital Innovator, believes that every student is capable of success and that every student should strive to ...
Win a HUE HD Pro Document Camera!

Win a HUE HD Pro Document Camera!

National Teacher Appreciation Day is May 3rd, 2016, but who wants to wait that long?  We're celebrating that we are halfway there!  Beginning Tuesday, November 3rd 2015, HUE will be giving four lucky winners a chance to win a HUE HD Pro document camera! To enter, simply follow us at ...
Happy Halloween 2015!

Happy Halloween 2015!

It's Halloween tomorrow - one of our favorite times of year - and naturally we have a few tips to share to help make your stop motion animation projects suitable for the season. Tip #1 There's plenty of inspiration out there - use it! The Halloween period conjures up images ...
Educatec Educatice 2015

Educatec Educatice 2015

Nous serons présents au salon Educatec Educatice qui aura lieu à Paris, Porte de Versailles du 18 jusqu'au 20 novembre. Venez nous rendre visite au stand C27 pour une démonstration de nos produits. Vous pourrez aussi participer à notre tombola ! Une école par jour sera choisie au hasard en fin de journée ...
/ Education, Events, Events, Français, Français, France
HUE Animation Studio in the Home School Environment

HUE Animation Studio in the Home School Environment

It's difficult to pinpoint exactly how many children around the world are being home schooled, but estimates for the US alone claim approximately 1,770,000 children (or 3.4% of the school aged population) are learning at home.  There are numerous websites and blogs to help parents who choose this method of ...
HUE Animation Studio in Marin County

HUE Animation Studio in Marin County

Marin County, located just north of the beautiful Golden Gate Bridge, is within commuting distance to the world-famous Silicon Valley, where numerous tech-giants and unicorns have had their starts.  Marin County is also the birthplace of Lucasfilms, famous for its Star Wars and Indiana Jones movies.  So, if you were ...
Livre d'animation HUE

Livre d’animation HUE

Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer que le Livre d'animation HUE est maintenant disponible en format Kindle sur Amazon France. "Livre d'animation HUE : Comment mettre de la magie dans vos films" est destiné aux enseignants et aux enfants de 7 ans et plus qui découvrent l'animation image par image. Grâce à des instructions ...
Doc-Casting with a HUE HD camera

Doc-Casting with a HUE HD camera

Our guest blogger is Len Scrogan, adjunct professor at University of Colorado, Denver and author of Digital Shapeshifter: visual teaching, differentiated learning, and formative assessment with the classroom document camera. Here Len describes how teachers and students can benefit from doc-casting: You’ve no doubt heard of podcasting and vodcasting, but ...
101 ways to use HUE as a visualiser: Science

101 ways to use HUE as a visualiser: Science

Continuing our series of blog posts discussing the different ways HUE can be used in the classroom, here are some ideas for how the HUE camera can be used in science classes. 1. Magnify The HUE camera has a good quality lens and thanks to its flexible neck and manual ...
Teacher Testimonials: The HUE HD Pro Camera

Teacher Testimonials: The HUE HD Pro Camera

We received a lovely message today from one of our newest education customers. Jacqui Wilson is Headteacher at Flimby Primary School in Cumbria and her team recently applied to try the HUE HD Pro document camera. The trial was intended to last for a month but after just two days ...
Etoiles du jouet 2015

[EN] Awards: HUE Animation Studio is conquering French hearts

We are proud to announce that our HUE Animation Studio stop motion animation kit was selected from the best toys in the French market and presented with this lovely 'Toy Star' award! Etoiles du Jouet is an annual award currently in its third year. It's organized by specialists from the ...
Etoiles du jouet 2015

[FR] Awards: Etoiles du Jouet 2015

Studio d'animation HUE est parmi les lauréats 2015 des " Étoiles du Jouet " ! Organisé par les fédérations FJP (Fédération du Jouet et de la Puériculture) et FCJPE (Fédération des Commerces spécialistes des Jouets et Produits de l’Enfant), les Étoiles du Jouet, en partenariat avec Kidexpo, ont récompensé les jeux et jouets les plus innovants ...
Win HUE prizes in Share My Lesson's weekly Back To School contests

Win HUE prizes in Share My Lesson’s weekly Back To School contests

Check out the big back to school competition at Share My Lesson with great prizes to be won every week during September. To enter, register at Share My Lesson and submit a completed entry form for a chance to win the prize on offer that week. ​Two of our award-winning Hue HD Pro​ ​cameras and one Hue ...