From the blogosphere: HUE Animation Studio Simplifies Stop-Motion Film-Making on a Budget

Fossil Ridge high school biology class deepens understandings with SAM Animation
Last weekend I managed to escape the wrath of the Nemo winter storm in Boston to catch up on some work in lovely Florida. Can’t say I’m quite ready to brave the cold and snow as I head back tomorrow, but hopefully I can bottle up some sunshine!
For over a year now we’ve worked closely with AlphaBEST that runs after-school programs in over 100 different schools across the country and uses SAM Animation as one of their key strands. Largely based out of West Palm Beach, we were able to connect this week about how we can continue to leverage the out-of-school time to engage students in creative, hands-on activities.
Another partner that uses SAM Animation regularly in the school day that I had the privilege of working with on this trip is the Gardens School of Technology Arts. A small, young charter school, they are asking the questions we are all asking — how can we change up the traditional classroom for a more blended and engaging experience for all learners?
This morning I was asked to present at the Gardens School morning student assembly, and shared a bit about my background in becoming an engineer and then finding my passion in education technology through the launch of iCreate. I shared a video that I thought captured the essence of my message around allowing yourself to discover, imagine, and create. It’s a video that’s been used in many presentations, but will have any audience – kid or adult – rolling on the floor with laughter.
This compilation of walking robots was a result of the same 20-pieces given to University students in Switzerland and tasked with getting a robot from one point to the other without the use of wheels rolling. Who knew there could be so many different solutions with the same materials at hand? Just a glimpse inside our unique and creative minds!