Using the HUE HD Pro Document Camera to Teach a Math Lesson in Kindergarten

Using HUE Animation Studio to Teach Math in Kindergarten
Laura Fleming is a rock star in the makerspace arena. Whether in the classroom, the library, at a conference, or on BAM Radio, Laura is consulted for her expertise as a thought leader on education, librarianship, and technology. She is the author of the book Worlds of Making: Best Practices for Establishing a Makerspace for Your School and her own school library makerspace is a model for other schools throughout the nation. Laura says a great makerspace isn’t about “the stuff” that one can acquire for it; rather, it’s about creating an informal, accessible area where a student can take control of his or her learning. It’s about nurturing open-ended exploration and experiential learning. It’s about creating a culture of innovation, one that’s attractive to all students. And it puts control squarely in the hands of the students. As Laura says on her website, “If you let them build it, they will learn.”
As educators across the country are recognizing the importance of making and makerspaces in student learning, more and more are asking for help and once more, Laura is coming to the rescue. HUE is proud to announce that we are the very first sponsor of Laura Fleming’s newly launched Worlds of Making Digital Academy. Laura explains the inspiration for the academy:
“Since the publication of my makerspace book, not only have I experienced the excitement of it becoming a best-seller, but I have also had the honor and privilege to work with schools all across the nation on creating makerspaces. Some of my work has been face to face, but much of it has been virtual. In addition, most of my work has focused on district-wide makerspace PD sessions. Many educators have expressed the need for an individual makerspace PD option. I am so excited to announce that I have expanded my makerspace PD sessions to include both a district AND individual option.
I am proud to announce the launch of the ‘Worlds of Making’ Digital Academy. The courses that will be available in my school are perfect for all makerspace stakeholders and are guaranteed to ensure that you uncover makerspaces that are relevant and meaningful to your school communities. The ‘Worlds of Making’ Digital Academy will provide affordable, online, self-paced PD, allowing for anytime, anywhere professional learning! Upon completion of each course, educators will have the opportunity to earn an official ‘Worlds of Making’ microcredential, which will allow them to celebrate and showcase their learning!”
HUE would like to congratulate Laura Fleming on the launch of Worlds of Making Digital Academy and we wish her the very best!