Guest post: STEM at home

Thanksgiving 2020 giveaway
We are so proud! HUE Animation Studio, our all-in-one stop motion animation kit, has made it through the tough selection process to be featured in Newsweek’s Best in STEM 2021 list!

STEM.org partnered with Newsweek to highlight the toymakers and brands that help strengthen STEM education. STEM.org Educational Research™ (SER) has taken into consideration 2,311 designated science, technology, engineering and mathematics products and selected the top 65 (2.8% total) for this year’s Newsweek Best in STEM list.

“Great STEM toys spark imaginative, open-ended play while helping children develop skills related to science, technology, engineering, and math. STEM.org reviews hundreds of toys and games each year to help parents and educators provide a rich, engaging, and fun learning experience to children of all ages.”
The full list of authenticated educational products is available to download in PDF format through the Best in STEM Top Toys and Games 2020-2021 page on the Stem.org website.
If you are looking for some inspirational STEM & STEAM project ideas, check out these great examples and tutorials on the HUE blog today!

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