Time Lapse with SAM Animation Inspires Inquiry

SAM Animation without SAM Animation
Melissa and I are at the Science Centre in Singapore doing SAM Animation workshops with staff members and teachers from primary and secondary schools here in Singapore. Yesterday was the first day of sessions, and both Centre staff and teachers made movies of processes and cycles.
Here is a movie of some teachers making an animation of the digestive system. They used images from the web with other material to show a very detailed description of human digestion.
Everyone took to SAM and to animation really quickly, and the quality of their animations was excellent. We had lots of fun, lots of interesting conversations about how animation could be used in the formal and informal spaces, and we are incredibly excited to continue work in this part of the world.
And…if you haven’t been to Singapore – we highly recommend it! It’s hot, but the people are wonderful, the food is great, and the Science Centre is a must see…