Win a free Hue Animation Studio with Red Ted Art

Exploring stop-motion with ELLs in NYC
I have found some eerie backdrops using an image search to help set the scene for spooky animations in time for Halloween next week. If you click on them and save them to your computer you can edit them before printing them off. You may need to cut around the image to remove the margin but then you are good to go. They work well as a backdrop with a black piece of paper as the base. I hope this helps with giving you ideas for stories to animate this Halloween.
Top tips for your Halloween animation:
1. Print off a storyboard from our website to help plan each frame. These are really good if you are planning a Halloween animation party.
2. If you want a witch to fly across the corner of your scene we recommend putting her on the end of a pencil. You can then make it look like her broomstick.
3. Thin wire can be really good to make bats and ghosts look like they are flying across the sky.
4. Onion skinning can really help with making the best animations as you can see the image already captured and then the one you are about to take.
5. To make it really scary add some spine chilling sound effects to your animation or you can even record your own!
Oh and don’t forget to send us links to your movies! You can upload them here or via our Facebook page or tweet them to us on Twitter.