At iCreate the term "inanimate object" does not exist
Trial and error is a necessary evil
Summer is coming to a close (was that fast, or what?) and another school year is about to begin. Inevitably the question, ‘what did you do this summer?’ is about to asked about 127 gazillion times in the coming weeks.
Here’s an idea to jump start the year. How about if students created a movie to tell the story of what they did this summer? Yes, a movie. No, Bruce Willis and Sylvester Stallone are not available (can someone please tell me how the movie The Expendables 2 is the top movie in America?), but your students’ imaginations are.
All you need are an assortment of supplies (nothing fancy or expensive), a storyboard outline, and some simple technology like the SAM Animation software.
As Suzie Boss wrote in an article for, ”Teachers who bring digital storytelling into the classroom are discovering what makes this vehicle for expression worth the effort. They watch students gain proficiency in writing and research, visual literacy, critical thinking, and collaboration. They see students take part in a range of learning styles. Of course, they also see students make authentic use of technology. Sometimes, they even hear students discover the power of their own voice.”
So if you are looking for a great way to kick-off the new year, consider digital story telling. It will also help add some excitement to the answer to with question ‘what did you do at school today?’ as well!