Using HUE HD Pro Document Camera and HUE Tablet Stand to Teach a Tadpole Lesson

HUE Animation Makes Dreams Come True
It seems like the days pick up speed as we get nearer to the last day of school! And then the lazy, hazy days of summer are upon us. Great, right? Until those days get a little too lazy, and a little too hazy! Teachers, parents, and the US Department of Education fret over students who are not academically stimulated during the months of vacation. The US Department of Education even deems this phenomenon a “learning loss,” stating on its blog: “This learning loss is called the “summer slide,” and happens when children do not engage in educational activities during the summer months.”
Well, fret no more! Homeschool.com has come up with 101 creative things for students to do to keep them engaged, stimulated, and having fun. It’s a great list, and HUE is honored to be included. Check out number 63!
Let us know how you keep your children and students intellectually engaged during summer vacation!