One person’s trash is another person’s iCreate movie

Creative uses for HUE
My wife and I are heading off to the Grand Canyon this week with our six and eight year old daughters. I don’t know which is scarier – the possible mule ride into the Canyon or trying to not go nuts on a plane with two kids who have already started rehearsing the phrase ‘how long until we get there?’
We have the books, the crayons, and the iPads packed and ready to go. We also have downloaded the beta version of iCreate’s SAM Animation iPad app, which, based on my daughters’ reaction, is maybe one of the smartest parenting decisions I have ever made. They LOVE stop motion and the idea of making a movie while traveling 500 miles per hour 30,000 feet in the sky is completely mind blowing to them. We have some props packed so when the tray tables can come down SAM Animation will come out. Alas, my fear has dissipated. Plus, I told them about doing a time lapse video of sunrise at the Canyon and that was enough to make you think I had said Mickey Mouse was staying with us at our hotel.
My reason for sharing this is that we at iCreate believe that SAM Animation is about much more than creating and learning in a classroom. Children can learn – and have tremendous fun – just about anywhere – even at 30,000 feet. Therefore, our challenge to everyone is to smash the possible misconceptions about using technology in or outside the classroom and instead look for new and innovative environments to help children unleash their creativity and love for learning.
I just hope we don’t have an Alec Baldwin moment when the flight attendants tell the kids it’s time to stow all electronic devices!