HUE Animation Studio: Gold in the Best Creative Play (Educational) Category of the Junior Design Awards
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We are thrilled to announce that the HUE HD Pro document camera has been selected as the WINNER in the Edtech & Software category of the Teach Secondary Awards for the second year running in 2024! The HUE Animation Studio stop motion animation kit was also highly praised, receiving Highly Commended in the Foundation category of the Teach Primary Awards.
Teach Co Awards showcase the best resources schools can use to improve their student outcomes, staff development and whole school practice. The make-up of the judging panel and the process of deciding the winners is entirely independent and impartial, and is an indicator of quality that schools and teachers know they can trust.
HUE HD Pro camera with carry case
“It allows for seamless integration bringing with it accessibility, making the process of capturing and sharing visual content much more efficient and user-friendly which is exactly what you need within a very busy classroom and why this [HUE HD Pro] is the winner, well done.”
Teach Secondary judge’s comment
HUE Animation Studio with carry case
“The software is easy to explore, navigate and use with very little instruction needed. The device itself is simple to manipulate, but strong enough to withstand classroom use. Having a range of tools all in one place – such as the option to add credits and speech bubbles – gives HUE an edge over other animation studios available for schools. It is a one stop-motion shop!“
Teach Primary judge’s comment
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