Back to Basics: Crayons & LEGOs ease anxiety

Is your creativity hibernating?
I can still remember the feeling as a child. The excitement, expectations, anticipation, and amazement that came along with getting a new toy!
The simple pleasure it brought you to open the package, touch it, feel it, and check out all of its amazing features. The hours of play it brought you, and the even larger number of hours you spent thinking about the toy, the amazing things you could do with it, and all the fun you would be having.
I bring this topic up for three reasons.
1) Melissa is currently in London attending The Toy Fair with our UK partners HUE Animation & Moshi Monster White Label Product.
2) What still gets you this excited as an adult?
3) How can we help our students have this level of excitement while learning?
So lets take a look at each step…
1) The London Toy Fair looks to be an amazing experience to take in all that is new and exciting in the world of toys. Do yourself a favor and head over to our facebook, and twitter to follow along with Melissa’s travels and inside look into all things Toy Fair! Who knows you might even get really excited about a new toy or get an awesome idea for a project with your children or students!
2) What still gets you excited? When was the last time you really anticipated, waited and got really, really excited for something? If we can harness this level of excitement and pure joy, imagine what we could accomplish.
Over the years it is said that our imagination fades. I challenge you to find the moments, the interactions, and the activities that can still bring out this level of excitement for you. It might be participating in your favorite hobby, taking a class, spending time with your children, or any number of other options. If you can tap into this excitement you can help your children and students find theirs!
This leads us to the last section…
3) All students learn in different ways. That said, if you can integrate fun and learning together, it normally makes for a winning combination! Whether you are integrating animation into a science lesson, creating historical monuments with LEGOs, or rewarding students with time to play their favorite game or with a favorite toy; learning and fun can go hand in hand!
So now it’s your turn! Leave a comment and tell us what toys you remember, what gets you excited, and how we can integrate fun into learning. We love to hear your ideas, and we all love to learn together!