Back to Basics:  Crayons & LEGOs ease anxiety

Back to Basics: Crayons & LEGOs ease anxiety

While I don't necessarily agree with the cliche "Everything you need to know you learn in Kindergarten," I will say that one of the most valuable skills I learned in Kindergarten that I still use today - at least weekly - is...coloring! Get back to basics: Color & build to ...
/ Children, Education, HUE Animation, LEGO
Cool Designs, Animation, and Contests...Oh My!

Cool Designs, Animation, and Contests…Oh My!

Our good friends over at Next Vista for Learning have been holding an awesome contest entitled the Cool Designs Video Contest. The contest was an opportunity for students to create short videos (90 seconds or less), to demonstrate any concept or skill they may encounter in school. Once students creatively ...
Animation tips part 5: Weather

Animation tips part 5: Weather

In this post, we’re going to talk about some animation tricks you can use in your films to animate different weather conditions. SNOW As you can see in this video, there are different materials you can use in your animation if you want it to be taking place in a ...
Conseils pratiques partie 5 : La météo

Conseils pratiques partie 5 : La météo

Conseils pratiques partie 5 : La météo Aujourd’hui, nous allons parler de quelques astuces d'animation que vous pouvez utiliser dans vos films pour simuler différentes conditions météorologiques. La NEIGE : Comme c’est le cas dans la vidéo ci-dessus ; il existe différents matériaux que vous pouvez utiliser dans votre animation si ...
London --> Florida --> Austin : iCreate hits the road!

London –> Florida –> Austin : iCreate hits the road!

We're jet-setting with most of the edtech community this month and next with the back-to-back shows of BETT, FETC, and TCEA. While we won't have our own "iCreate" booth per say... we are lucky enough to have partners in both the UK and here in the US that will be ...
/ Education, Events, Events, UK, USA
Make 2014 The Year of Creativity!

Make 2014 The Year of Creativity!

And just like that another year is over, and we enter into 2014 with new goals, new perspectives, and another whole year to learn and reflect upon. As Melissa mentioned in her post just before the holidays, iCreate to Educate is working on a lot of new things as well ...
/ Education, HUE Animation
Wouldn't it be cool if more schools were like interactive museums?

Wouldn’t it be cool if more schools were like interactive museums?

Today I checked out the newly re-opened Thinkery, an interactive children's museum in Austin, TX. Many of the displays reminded me of the Exploratorium in San Francisco, and as I walked through the maze of giddy children maneuvering life-sized pulleys and molding magnetic clay, I realized this is exactly how ...
Odyssey of the Mind:  Fostering Creative Thinking

Odyssey of the Mind: Fostering Creative Thinking

When I was visiting my parents in Montana over the holidays, we managed to dig up old photos and newspaper clippings, and this was probably one of my favorites (not entirely because I was dressed in cellophane, but that definitely helps). Odyssey of the Mind: Fostering Creative Thinking My happiest ...
/ Children, Education, HUE Animation, K12
Animation tips part 4: Time-lapse

Animation tips part 4: Time-lapse

Time-lapse is a technique used in film-making to record processes that take place over a longer period of time. How this technique works is that you set the camera to take pictures at a set interval for a period of time and then play the photographs back at a certain ...
Inspiration and Confidence in the K12 Classroom

Inspiration and Confidence in the K12 Classroom

Inspiration and confidence are not easily taught in classrooms. With everything becoming more focused on standardized testing, the teachers feel the pressure to perform. I feel like, in general, the classroom focus has been geared more towards how well your students score on a test. My recent experience in an ...
/ Education, HUE Animation, K12
Taylor Swift's RED inspires iCreate's Holiday Video

Taylor Swift’s RED inspires iCreate’s Holiday Video

For the holidays we wanted to do something creative! Oh, and how could we possibly leave out Red Bird? RED: A Holiday Dedication to iCreate's Red Bird With original lyrics by iCreate's own Jason Verhoosky, we hope you enjoy our holiday music video below in the key of Taylor ...
/ Animation, HUE Animation, Videos
Animation tips part 3: Special Effects Tutorial

Animation tips part 3: Special Effects Tutorial

We’ve released a brand new video again this week to show off a few more things you can try in HUE Animation Studio. The topic this time is special effects like explosions and crashes. We’ve used clay models, Lego minifigures, drawings and toys for variety. We’re going to highlight some ...
iCreate to Educate turns a corner in 2014

iCreate to Educate turns a corner in 2014

Do you know how disheartening it is to have people comment, "So I took a look at your site... but can't really figure out what you do or what your product is." Now, I'm not saying that this isn't a justified statement, but it's certainly something that we have taken ...
/ HUE Animation
Conseils pratiques partie 3 : Tutoriel sur les effets spéciaux

Conseils pratiques partie 3 : Tutoriel sur les effets spéciaux

Conseils pratiques partie 3 : Tutoriel sur les effets spéciaux Nous avons publié une nouvelle vidéo cette semaine pour vous montrer un peu plus tout ce que vous pouvez réaliser grâce au Studio d’Animation Hue. Nous traitons cette fois des effets spéciaux tels que les explosions et les accidents. Nous ...
Lean Out: iCreate's founder reflects on the realities of Leaning In

Lean Out: iCreate’s founder reflects on the realities of Leaning In

In the last year (or maybe 2?) there has been a lot of buzz around Sheryl Sandberg's Lean In, a book and perhaps movement now to inspire women to "participate in the board room." Lean Out: The Realities of Leaning In Now, I'm all for promoting women founders and business ...
/ Education, HUE Animation
Conseils pratiques partie 4 : Time-lapse

Conseils pratiques partie 4 : Time-lapse

Conseils pratiques partie 4 : Time-lapse Time-lapse est une technique utilisée dans la réalisation de films pour enregistrer les processus qui se déroulent sur une longue période. Pour se faire, vous devrez régler l'appareil pour qu’il prenne des photos à intervalle régulier pour une période donnée, puis lire l’animation à ...
Conseils pratiques partie 2 : Tutoriel sur l’Incrustation (fond vert)

Conseils pratiques partie 2 : Tutoriel sur l’Incrustation (fond vert)

Conseils pratiques partie 2 : Tutoriel sur l’Incrustation (fond vert) Le tutoriel d'aujourd'hui traite de l'une des fonctionnalités les plus avancées dans notre logiciel d’animation Hue, la Chroma Key (l’incrustation). Communément appelée «fond vert», c’est la technique utilisée dans un grand nombre de grands films et d’émissions de télévision pour ...
Conseils pratiques partie 1: Faire voler un objet

Conseils pratiques partie 1: Faire voler un objet

Conseils pratiques partie 1: Faire voler un objet N’avez-vous jamais rêvé de faire voler des objets ? Rien de plus facile. Du moins, dans le merveilleux monde de l'animation, où vous pouvez oublier la gravité et où même les éléphants peuvent voler. Votre imagination, vos règles ! Regardez ce tutoriel ...
Animation tips part 2: Chroma Key (Green Screen) Tutorial

Animation tips part 2: Chroma Key (Green Screen) Tutorial

Today's tutorial is about one of the more advanced features in our HUE Animation software package: Chroma Key. This is often known as 'green screen', and it's the technique used in a lot of major movies and television shows to make people appear as though they're somewhere else. The idea ...
Nationwide Roller Coaster Trip:  An Engineer's Homework

Nationwide Roller Coaster Trip: An Engineer’s Homework

One of my favorite aspects of being an engineer is that often times finding a solution to a problem is in the art of seeing what's already out there and instead of reinventing the wheel, simply putting it in a different orientation. How can we take advantage of what's already ...
/ Education, HUE Animation