Make&Learn promueve la educación maker con las disciplinas STEAM entre la juventud catalana

Make Your Own Animated Christmas Cards With HUE Reindeer!
Creative Steps has announced that HUE Animation Studio has won the Creative Play Award for Special Educational Needs (SEN).
The Creative Play Awards are sponsored and organised by Creative Steps magazine, which promotes creative play as vital in a child’s development. The results of these awards recognise the best products available to enhance creative development in young children and are beneficial to the consumer when making purchasing decisions. HUE Animation Studio was selected in Special Educational Needs Toys/Resources (8-11 years).
John Hopley, editor of Creative Steps commented: “2016 has shown just how esteemed our awards scheme has become, with the most amount of entries we’ve ever seen! The quality of the entries has been extremely high and with more products than ever entered, the competition has been at its highest, just showing the importance of learning through creative play for children and the products that allow them to do so.”
HUE Animation Studio ha sido premiado en los galardones ´Creative Play Awards 2016´ recibiendo el galardón para niños con necesidades educativas especiales. Los galardones reconocen los mejores productos disponibles para el desarollo creativo del niño.
HUE Animation Studio vient de gagner une importante récompense au Royaume-Uni : le Creative Play Award pour les enfants ayant des besoins éducatifs spéciaux. Ces prix distinguent les meilleurs produits disponibles sur le marché permettant aux jeunes enfants d’améliorer le développement de leur créativité.
HUE Animation Studio wurden in Großbritannien mit den „Creative Play Award“ für Kinder mit besonderen pädagogischen Bedürfnissen ausgezeichnet. Dieser Award zeichnet die besten Produkte zur Verbesserung der kreativen Entwicklung bei kleinen Kindern aus.