Win a HUE HD Pro Document Camera!

[EN] Awards: HUE Animation Studio wins 2015 awards from Creative Child Magazine
If you’ve ever been anywhere near Tennessee, you no doubt will have heard about Sharon Clark and her fourth grade Success Team at East Side Intermediate School! Ms. Clark, a 2015 PBS Lead Digital Innovator, believes that every student is capable of success and that every student should strive to be the best that he or she can. In a recent article in the Huffington Post, Sharon talks about how this is easier for some than others. “There are some students who are confident in who they are already, and I tell them to share that with their neighbor. Share it through encouragement, through hugs, through high-fives — whatever it takes.”
We at HUE say high-five to that!
Sharon’s fourth grade class recently shared a video of how their class is using the HUE HD Pro document camera for peer editing, and we’d like to share that with you. Prior to having the document camera, Ms. Clark was unable to show the entire class one student’s work. Now she can share each paper and the students have multiple opportunities to correct and learn from each others’ mistakes. No doubt they are also giving a lot of positive feedback to their peers–through hugs, through high-fives, through whatever it takes!