How to make Red Bird, the new mascot for iCreate to Educate

Pickering Shares Advice for the Entrepreneur in Us All
School’s almost out for the summer (or some lucky ones may already be out!), but things aren’t slowing down at iCreate. We just released an update on our myCreate iPad app (more details below), and will continue to release monthly updates. SAM is still a strong and steady product, guiding us through the development of ‘version 2.0’ also known as myCreate-desktop. Once we jump over a couple of development hurdles we will be pushing a beta release out for feedback and testing!
One of the things we just released to improve our user feedback and new feature development process is an “IDEAS” site. Ever wish there was just one extra or modified feature in SAM or myCreate? Well, now you can let us know – and perhaps be inspired by other’s ideas. Check it out, and add your own here!
Specific to the myCreate iPad app, we’ve had an eventful past couple of days with the latest release. In our efforts to move from paid to freemium (free creation for up to 10-pictures) we needed to find a way to ensure that previous purchases of the full app wouldn’t be forced to repurchase. And, as luck would have it, there’s a bit more to make that happen than we had anticipated! So, we’ve delayed the release of freemium for just a couple more weeks, but have gone ahead and pushed out an update with a new intro video and screen walk-through, improved voice recording, and improved timeline scrolling.