At Home Parenting Magazine recommends HUE Animation!
The Creative Classroom, and Why Jason Does What He Does
Oh No!
We have discovered that there is a bug in our latest myCreate App Update for iOS7.
In the latest update, when you enter the home screen you are unable to create a new project due to a lack of a text box. You can still access previously created projects, but are unable to begin any new projects.
We are aware of this bug, and a working feverishly to fix it and get a fully working update out to you all ASAP!
If you haven’t updates to iOS7 yet, then you can still continue to create with your current version of myCreate.
We apologize for the inconvenience, and want to insure you that we will get this fixed as soon as humanly possible!
If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment and we will try to help in any way possible.
Thank you for your patience!
The iCreate to Educate Team