Dancing paper towel rolls?  Yes, iCreate can bring anything to life!

Dancing paper towel rolls? Yes, iCreate can bring anything to life!

If you gave kids a card board box, egg cartons, paper towel rolls, construction paper, and some popsicle sticks, what would they make? Probably a static yet elaborate structure with the vague resemblance of a castle. Unfortunately, this probably was carefully constructed on the dining room table so the minute ...
/ Children, Education, HUE Animation, K12
What if kids designed a school?

What if kids designed a school?

Imagine if you went to an area of the world where there were no schools and children had no idea what going to school was like, especially in the United States. Now imagine how they might respond if asked the following question – how would you like to learn about math? Assume ...
/ Children, Education, HUE Animation, K12
Can I just go back to 1st grade, please?

Can I just go back to 1st grade, please?

Sometimes I wish I could go back to first grade and never leave. Not because of the lack of responsibility, or the excuse to have recess regularly, or the coloring sessions (while those are definitely amazing), but because of the true uninhibited desire to just do. I had the pleasure ...
The beach, ice cream….and learning? Balancing relaxation with insanity.

The beach, ice cream….and learning? Balancing relaxation with insanity.

Summer is close and so are the great trips to the beach, getting ice cream, day trips and, most importantly, no school. Many parents believe it’s just a peaceful time to relax and enjoy the outdoors. On the other end of the continuum there will be some parents that will be ...
Dedicated educators gather at the Blended Learning and Technology Conference

Dedicated educators gather at the Blended Learning and Technology Conference

This past weekend was absolutely beautiful, and so it was a telling sign that only the most passionate, dedicated, (crazy!) educators and entrepreneurs were inside at the Highlander Institute in Providence, Rhode Island on Saturday for the Blended Learning and Technology Conference. When you live in New England and start ...
/ Education, Events, Events, K12, USA
Being gray in a black and white world – lessons from Kermit the Frog

Being gray in a black and white world – lessons from Kermit the Frog

Kermit the Frog is famous for saying, “It’s not easy being green.” If Kermit was a student in today’s world, he may have altered his statement to be “It’s not easy being gray.” He would not be referring to the color of his scaly frog skin, but rather an overall sentiment on ...
/ Education, HUE Animation, K12
Can we use our iPad as a bike helmet please?

Can we use our iPad as a bike helmet please?

We are excited to announce the beginning of development for the iCreate iPad app !    Now, why would we do this when we often joke (internally) about some of the more useful ways iPads can be used based on some of the incredibly non-useful ways they are being used in ...
iCreate Elite Educators

iCreate Elite Educators

iCreate to Educate was born out of a desire to bring technology researched and developed in the university space into the K12 classroom.  Not only did the founders want to integrate digital tools into the curriculum, but they also relied heavily on testing and feedback done by a group of ...
/ Education, HUE Animation, K12
Should technology be the goal or help us reach the goal?

Should technology be the goal or help us reach the goal?

I recently completed a project at a public school in Massachusetts where the goal was to help second grade students conduct research and then report out by telling a story about a country in Africa. Wait - did I just say 'goal?' Yes, we actually had a well defined and ...
/ Animation, Education, HUE Animation, K12
Your kid is SO smart ... or is s/he??

Your kid is SO smart … or is s/he??

I recently downloaded a physics app to my iPad for my daughter to use.  Although she is only in elementary school, she is already starting to be exposed to various science and math concepts so I thought the app might be helpful. Later that day she came up to me ...
/ Education, HUE Animation
Three Lessons Learned Over the Last Two Years in Growing iCreate

Three Lessons Learned Over the Last Two Years in Growing iCreate

Back in December I wrote about the EdTechup conference and the wonderfully balanced energy in the room among both entrepreneurs and educators.  We just celebrated the one-year anniversary of EdTechup here in Boston and it was a huge hit – on a Friday night no less.  I was lucky enough ...
/ Education, HUE Animation, K12
How we're helping meet the realities of assessment

How we’re helping meet the realities of assessment

We cannot get away from the fact that we need to measure outcomes.  Sure, it’s not that fun, we all hate tests, but it’s just one of those things in life that can be right up there with taxes.  It’s just something we have to do.  We are cognoscente of ...
All students are Khan - let's give them tools to show us!

All students are Khan – let’s give them tools to show us!

With the recent explosion around Khan Academy, I'd like to ask: SO?! Yes, videos for explaining things in a visual way are great, but come on, instructional videos are not new. This is similar to those studies that come out saying, "It's better for you to eat fruits and vegetables ...
Spelling tests or vinegar with baking soda?  Neither!

Spelling tests or vinegar with baking soda? Neither!

What sticks with you the most from grade school?  Learning about volcanoes with that vinegar and baking soda experiment or the weekly spelling tests?  My hunch would be the popular volcanic simulation. Well, the knowledge of volcanoes in this day and age is not particularly useful day-to-day, but that’s what ...
/ Animation, Children, Education, HUE Animation, K12
Animating the Whole Classroom

Animating the Whole Classroom

One of my favorite anecdotal stories around the use of our tool in the classroom was one that involved the solar system, and there were actually two separate movies created from the project.  The first project was implemented on the desktop, where all students were assigned a planet and had ...
Will the classroom tablet market behave like the cell phone market?

Will the classroom tablet market behave like the cell phone market?

There’s a lot of excitement around pushing iPads and other tablets into the K12 system right now and while it seems there are more and more being used in the US-based classrooms, my hunch is that it will take some time before there’s a wide-spread adoption, especially in the 1:1 ...
Announcing Scinemation 2012 Topic: Machines!

Announcing Scinemation 2012 Topic: Machines!

Based on the success of the first annual Scinemation competition at the Singapore Science Center in November 2011, Singapore has announced the dates and topic of this year’s second annual event! The competition will be held at the Science Center in Singapore again Nov. 6th – 9th, 2012 and the ...
Gettin' into the classroom!

Gettin’ into the classroom!

One of our requirements at iCreate as a new hire is to attend an iCreate teacher workshop and also observe a classroom in action with SAM Animation. On Monday of last week Rich, Kristi, and I visited the 4th grade classroom of Michelle Scott at the Field School in Weston, ...
/ Animation, Education, History, HUE Animation, K12
Virtual Education:  It's just not the same.

Virtual Education: It’s just not the same.

As our team at iCreate is growing, we are becoming less virtual and it’s amazing how much more effective we are as a group when we can be with each other physically, interacting in-person beyond just email and phone. It’s also just a lot more fun. This first hand experience ...
/ Education, HUE Animation
iCreate will be turning two this year!

iCreate will be turning two this year!

It’s 2012 and in just 6-months iCreate will be 2 years old!  On one hand it seems like not that long ago we sat down to think of a company name, register with the state, come up with a logo, and launch a website.  But in looking at how we’ve ...
/ About HUE, HUE Animation