Disney's Frankenweenie is bringing stop motion back – but can we make it larger than life?

Disney’s Frankenweenie is bringing stop motion back – but can we make it larger than life?

Disney has come full circle with their latest release of Frankenweenie, a full-feature stop motion film that landed in theaters just this month. And while Tim Burton and his crew had very sophisticated equipment, lighting, software, props, studio – the works – for accomplishing such a task, we like to ...
A leaf or stem or both or neither - are we true scientists to tell?

A leaf or stem or both or neither – are we true scientists to tell?

I was thrilled when asked to be part of a local district's science and engineering K12 curriculum review this month, and there was one particular incident that stood out from our 3-day review, which entailed: Day 1 – reviewing the actual curriculum from K through 12. There were just under ...
/ Education, HUE Animation, K12
myCreate makes a debut as the simplest stop-motion app for learning

myCreate makes a debut as the simplest stop-motion app for learning

What do you get when you have an iPad with a camera, a lively imagination, and a great story to tell with LEGO mini-figures? Our new iPad app myCreate of course! After several months of development and testing (thank you to our beta testers – spending time even in the ...
YouTube Live: Broadcast worldwide using HUE

YouTube Live: Broadcast worldwide using HUE

Services such as Ustream and Livestream have been making headlines for making it possible for anyone to broadcast live video straight to their audience, without any costly setup fees. Recently, YouTube has also taken an interest in free online broadcasting. However, although it's very easy to teach your own live ...
Turn any cardboard box into a magical experience with Caine's Arcade

Turn any cardboard box into a magical experience with Caine’s Arcade

I remember 8 years ago when I first landed in Los Angeles fresh out of college, anxious to start my big time engineering job in big time LA at big time Disney. How unaware I was then to see big time creativity disguised in a small auto shop in East ...
/ Children, Education, HUE Animation
From the blogosphere: A review in French - pas si compliqué!

From the blogosphere: A review in French – pas si compliqué!

Voilà un commentaire indépendant pour la webcam Hue sur le blog du Prof Geek avec un vidéo qui explique comment une webcam avec un pied flexible peut être utilisé dans l'enseignement. Se filmer en train d'écrire: pas si compliqué avec HUE HD! The independent Prof Geek website posted a French-language ...
iCreate is a simple blend of old meets new, imagination meets innovation

iCreate is a simple blend of old meets new, imagination meets innovation

Just back from a trip to the Bay Area meeting with a couple of companies that inherently trigger fond memories of childhood: Klutz of Scholastic and University Games. We’ve worked with Klutz for a couple of years now – partnering with them on the production of the Animation book to ...
/ Animation, HUE Animation, Videos
From the blogosphere: A free visualiser?

From the blogosphere: A free visualiser?

Originally blogged by by Anita Gebarowicz. Visualisers are incredibly useful pieces of equipment. Did you know that a webcam can provide many of the functions of a visualiser? The video below shows just how easy this is to do. Use a HUE webcam and AMCap to create a visualiser I ...
yaNY’s Animation Project at The Sony Wonder Technology Lab

yaNY’s Animation Project at The Sony Wonder Technology Lab

Are you a student or educator in New York City? yaNY (Young Audiences New York) are running a special Animation Project at The Sony Wonder Technology Lab; it's an afterschool program for students at New York City public high schools and introduces stop-motion animation. They also use our very own ...
/ Education, Events, Events, USA
HUE Animation helps iCreate expand across UK and Europe

HUE Animation helps iCreate expand across UK and Europe

We are often asked “how many schools use SAM?” or “Oh, does iCreate just work with people in Massachusetts?” Fortunately, we can say we have thousands of schools on our customer list, with a significant portion in the UK, thanks to one of our long time partners HUE. HUE is ...
/ About HUE, HUE Animation
Show me the positive in the supposed edtech disruption

Show me the positive in the supposed edtech disruption

If you are an entrepreneur in education, you most likely receive the weekly EdSurge newsletter each Wednesday. And if you are like me and pretty much every edtech entrepreneur I know, you reluctantly read through it well aware that once you’re finished you will just feel bad about yourself. But ...
/ Education, HUE Animation
Hands-on creative projects for kids -- the new trend?

Hands-on creative projects for kids — the new trend?

As a player in the hands-on, creative space, we try to keep our eyes out for other cool, fun, new efforts developing around unleashing student creativity.  We've discovered that there are quite a few popping up, and are psyched about the energy in this area.  We've highlighted a few we've ...
Animation Therapy Event Sept 19th 2012: win HUE Animation Studio

Animation Therapy Event Sept 19th 2012: win HUE Animation Studio

College of Occupational Therapist Specialist Section: Mental Health in partnership with Animated Encounters and Animation Therapy present: Animation on Prescription A one day study event exploring the use of animation in health and social care. Speakers include leading occupational therapists and artists who will present their experiences of using animation ...
/ Competitions, Events, Events, UK
Now there's more than one way to use a document camera

Now there’s more than one way to use a document camera

With so much technology in the classroom -- whether you specifically requested it or not -- it'd be really nice to be able to use it for more than one purpose. That's why we're super-psyched about announcing our partnership with Ken-a-Vision, an OEM of document cameras and microscopes based in ...
/ Education, HUE Animation
Trial and error is a necessary evil

Trial and error is a necessary evil

When I was studying engineering I experienced a very significant moment during my junior year of college.  A fellow student was sharing with one of my professors about how frustrated and ‘stupid’ (as he put it) he often felt by having to try over and over again to solve problems ...
/ Education, HUE Animation
What did you do this summer .... The Movie!

What did you do this summer …. The Movie!

Summer is coming to a close (was that fast, or what?) and another school year is about to begin. Inevitably the question, ‘what did you do this summer?’ is about to asked about 127 gazillion times in the coming weeks. Here’s an idea to jump start the year. How about ...
At iCreate the term "inanimate object" does not exist

At iCreate the term "inanimate object" does not exist

Years ago I was listening to CNBC financial commentator, Jim Cramer, discuss how his children enjoyed going to stores such as Michael’s and AC Moore versus Toys-R-Us.  Not having children at the time, I found this hard to believe.  Now, eight years later, I completely understand. Yesterday, my family and ...
/ Art, Children, Guest Post, HUE Animation
Get Animated with Cartoon Network and HUE Animation Studio

Get Animated with Cartoon Network and HUE Animation Studio

Cartoon Network is currently hosting a competition for viewers to win their very own copy of HUE Animation Studio, and best of all it's very easy to enter! Just head to our special site at Cartoon Network's website and vote for your favourite animated video to be in with a ...
Skittles ... Taste the Ratio !

Skittles … Taste the Ratio !

One August 1st we hosted a workshop at Boston Public Schools to give teachers - of all content areas and grade levels - an opportunity to dive in and create. Because we strongly believe in learning by doing, it's only appropriate for us to have teachers learn how to incorporate ...
B.S.M.E. – Bachelor of Science in Marshmallow Engineering

B.S.M.E. – Bachelor of Science in Marshmallow Engineering

My daughter recently came home with a very unusual request. “Would it be OK if I built the Eiffel Tower out of marshmallows?” she asked. First, since she is eight I had no idea she knew about the Eiffel Tower. Second, this seemed like such an odd but specific request ...
/ Art, Children, Education, HUE Animation, K12