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Guest post: Teaching AP Calculus and Enriched Mathematics classes with HUE

I have been using the HUE HD Pro camera on an everyday basis for 3-5 hours to teach my AP Calculus and Enriched Mathematics classes since mid March. There are two main ways that you can utilize this very handy device to aid in your everyday work as a teacher ...
How the HUE HD Pro eases teacher workload and stress

How the HUE HD Pro eases teacher workload and stress

Reducing stress levels and easing teacher workload has become a high priority for many headteachers (The Graide Network). TheHeadteacher states that "Coronavirus has only added to this tension with a sudden and steep learning curve involving mastering distance learning, operating in isolated bubbles, and coping with new technology. All this ...
Guest post: Social Emotional Learning (SEL) & HUE

Guest post: Social Emotional Learning (SEL) & HUE

On March 13, 2020 my life as a teacher changed. It was only supposed to be 2 weeks, they said. It was only going to be till the end of April, they said. It was only supposed to be a few months of the next school year, they said. Well, ...
Tips & tricks for making your first stop motion movie

Tips & tricks for making your first stop motion movie

Stop motion animation is a fun, educational activity and a great way to get kids working on a project that will keep them occupied for hours, or even days! Children as young as five years old can grasp the concept of stop motion quickly and progress from very simple to ...
Q&A with the master of clay, Jim Parkyn

Q&A with the master of clay, Jim Parkyn

It's no secret that HUE are huge fans of stop motion animation so you can imagine how excited we were when we got the chance to have a chat with character designer, model maker, sculptor and stop motion animator, Jim Parkyn! Jim has worked for many years with Aardman Animations ...
How to make videos for remote and flipped learning

How to make videos for remote and flipped learning

If you are interested in flipping your classroom or recording videos for remote teaching and don’t know how to get started, this blog post for you! Two Canadian teachers, Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams, are widely credited as key developers of the flipped classroom movement. Bergmann and Sams co-authored the ...
Guest post: How HUE HD Pro can be used for maths mastery

Guest post: How HUE HD Pro can be used for maths mastery

If you want to teach like a champion and help children achieve maths mastery, then opt for what Doug Lemov calls 'Show Call'. Show Call is basically a visual cold calling technique that keeps everyone on their toes and trying their best. You give your class a maths task to ...
[ES] Guest post: HUE HD Pro en uso en la UNAM de México

[ES] Guest post: HUE HD Pro en uso en la UNAM de México

D.I. Humberto A. Albornoz Delgado Técnico Académico Titular “A” UNAM. Experiencia de más de 20 años en proyectos de investigación y desarrollo tecnológico, enfocado en el diseño e inovación de productos educativos que abarcan desde la enseñanza prescolar hasta la superior. Desde hace más de 20 años he trabajado en ...
Guest post: Our virtual animation competition

Guest post: Our virtual animation competition

Lara Leslie is a qualified primary school teacher with many years of experience working as a camerawoman and TV producer on various television programmes (everything from Master Chef to Loose Women and Saturday Kitchen!). Lara is also an artist and animator who enjoys creating the fantastical and helping others to ...
Guest post: Using the HUE camera for Speech and Language Therapy

Guest post: Using the HUE camera for Speech and Language Therapy

I am a Speech & Language Therapist who works with adults with communication problems that are caused by stroke or head injury or a degenerative condition like Parkinson’s disease. My work is about helping people to both recover old skills and to discover new ways of communicating their thoughts and ...
Guess HUE won a Tech & Learning Award?

Guess HUE won a Tech & Learning Award?

The HUE HD Pro has been named as a winner in the Best Remote Learning Tools for Secondary Grades category of the Tech & Learning Awards of Excellence program! Tech & Learning magazine awarded “The Best Tools for Remote & Blended Teaching & Learning” as a way to celebrate the ...
Activity Guides

HUE’s Math Fractions Activity Guide is now available

Today we are pleased to present the fourth in our series of Activity Guides for teachers which is now available through our website and also our store on Teachers Pay Teachers (TPT). The Math Fractions Activity Guide, designed to target students in 3rd - 7th grade (7 - 13 years), ...
HUE Intuition: software features & usage

HUE Intuition: software features & usage

Get to know your HUE HD Pro with our handy guides showing you everything you need to start using your HUE camera and HUE Intuition software. The guides will cover four topics: HUE HD Pro - unboxing & camera set upHUE Intuition: software set upHUE Intuition: software features & usageTroubleshooting: ...
Guest post: HUE proved its value in Art and English classes

Guest post: HUE proved its value in Art and English classes

As a junior high teacher in a small school, I teach many different subjects. I use my HUE HD camera very regularly in my classes for different purposes. I am an art teacher and my camera has proven its value over and over again in class. I use it almost ...
Guest post: Skill building and education with LEGO®

Guest post: Skill building and education with LEGO®

Colorful LEGO® block systems are one of the most well-loved childhood toys around, inspiring kids of all ages and interests to build towering structures and bring their imaginations to life. The specific kind of hands-on construction play that LEGO® encourages isn't just fun, it has applied benefits for kids, especially ...
HUE Global Warming animation preparation

[FR] Expliquer le Réchauffement Climatique par l’animation 2D

L’animation de papiers découpés (2D) est l’une des formes d’animation les plus anciennes et les plus faciles. Les personnages et les arrière-plans bidimensionnels sont généralement créés à base de papier ou de photos imprimées, mais vous pouvez vous servir de n'importe quel objet qui peut être posé à plat et ...
HUE Intuition: software set up

HUE Intuition: software set up

Get to know your HUE HD Pro with our handy guides showing you everything you need to start using your HUE camera and its HUE Intuition software. The guides will cover four topics: HUE HD Pro: unboxing & camera set up HUE Intuition: software set up HUE Intuition: software features ...
[ES] Guest post: Ideas con Cámara HUE

[ES] Guest post: Ideas con Cámara HUE

Sonia, en su cuenta de Instagram @theteacherscoffee nos habla de su prueba con la cámara visusalizador HUE HD Pro. Reproducido aquí con su permisión para compartir sus ideas con más profes en el mundo hispanohablante. "¿Qué es lo que venía a contarte hoy? Bueno, pues básicamente que este curso estoy ...
Guest post: Speech/Language Teletherapy

Guest post: Speech/Language Teletherapy

I knew that speech therapy would one day go more virtual but Covid-19 sped this process into overdrive faster than I thought. With very little warning, I needed to find material that could accommodate clients that were offsite. After days of research for my needs, I placed an order for ...
HUE HD Pro: unboxing & camera set up

HUE HD Pro: unboxing & camera set up

Get to know your HUE HD Pro with our handy guides showing you everything you need to start using your HUE camera and its HUE Intuition software. The guides will cover four topics: HUE HD Pro: unboxing & camera set upHUE Intuition: software set upHUE Intuition: software features & useTroubleshooting: ...