Guest post: How to make music lessons more engaging with HUE

Guest post: How to make music lessons more engaging with HUE

With the COVID-19 virus and global pandemic cases still on the rise, schools and lessons being taught virtually have become the norm for most of us. Unfortunately the restrictions from having to go from in-person to online create more than just distance; it can get downright boring sitting in front ...
The HUE HD Pro Camera is a Bett Awards 2021 Finalist!

The HUE HD Pro Camera is a Bett Awards 2021 Finalist!

We have some exciting news to share today. The HUE HD Pro document camera is a finalist in the Bett Awards 2021! Produced in association with the British Educational Suppliers Association, Besa, the Bett Awards are a celebration of the inspiring creativity and innovation that can be found throughout technology ...
Guest post: Lockdown Reflections of an Art Teacher

Guest post: Lockdown Reflections of an Art Teacher

I teach a variety of Art classes and throughout lockdown, I know we have all experienced the same frustrations of communication; fussing with the video, having the mute button turned on when trying to speak or even worse, mistakenly having the camera or audio turned on when having a private ...
International LEGO® Day

International LEGO® Day

Today is International LEGO® Day and the HUE team could not be more excited! Held every year on January 28, International LEGO® Day celebrates the day that Danish carpenter, Godtfred Kirk Christiansen, filed the original LEGO® brick system patent back in 1958. Since that day, LEGO® bricks have found their ...
Using a document camera in speech-language therapy

Using a document camera in speech-language therapy

Tele-therapy, also known as online or virtual therapy, can be a convenient form of distance counselling. One of the methods of remote therapy is video conferencing and using a document camera adds extra benefits to this type of virtual support. Kayla, a Speech-Language Pathologist, tested and reviewed the HUE HD ...
[PT/EN] Guest post: Aulas de cozinha online (Online cooking classes)

[PT/EN] Guest post: Aulas de cozinha online (Online cooking classes)

English text follows Portuguese. O meu nome é Isabel Moreira Pires e já em tempos pandémicos fui convidada a dar aulas de cozinha. A pergunta que surgiu de imediato foi: “Mas como é que vamos fazer isto sem podermos estar todos numa cozinha fisicamente e mantendo uma boa comunicação?” A ...
Guest post: Think in skills rather than subjects

Guest post: Think in skills rather than subjects

We are passionate about film in our school. It provides exciting opportunities for content density and strengthens skills across the curriculum. At Northwood Senior we are always looking for ways to improve 'joined up thinking', encouraging students to think in skills rather than subjects; HUE's cameras enable us to exercise ...
We're here to help over the holiday period 2020

We’re here to help over the holiday period 2020

As many people will be receiving HUE Animation Studio and other HUE products as gifts, we want to make sure that everyone knows that our customer support department will be responding to emails throughout the holiday period. If you have any problem setting up your HUE product at Christmas, or ...
HUE sweeps the board in the 2020 Family Choice Awards!

HUE sweeps the board in the 2020 Family Choice Awards!

The Family Choice Awards recognizes the best products, services and resources for all members of a family, including our cherished pets. The awards program, now in its 25th year, recognizes 'Exceptional products that enrich a family's lifestyle and create memorable experiences' and promotes family friendly consumer goods, products, services, movies, travel and ...
[ES] Guest post: Crear nuevas dinámicas en clases virtuales y presenciales

[ES] Guest post: Crear nuevas dinámicas en clases virtuales y presenciales

La cámara HUE document PRO se ha convertido en un recurso imprescindible en el día a día tanto en clases presenciales como telemáticas. No solamente para mostrar fichas, documentos… en la PDI, sino que tiene muchísimas potencialidades para crear nuevas dinámicas en el aula. Debido a la situación sanitaria, compartir ...
HUE Animation Studio is Highly Commended in the Dad's Choice Awards!

HUE Animation Studio is Highly Commended in the Dad’s Choice Awards!

Another award on the shelf! HUE Animation Studio is a Highly Commended winner in the Arts & Crafts category at the 2020 Dad's Choice Awards. To be a Highly Commended winner, "entries had to be impressive in nearly every criteria", so we are proud to be part of the final ...
[FR] Article invité : HUE dans la classe de NumeriKinstit

[FR] Article invité : HUE dans la classe de NumeriKinstit

Depuis maintenant 3 ans j'utilise une visionneuse dans ma classe. La mienne est de marque HUE. J'ai été équipée d'un TBI (tableau blanc interactif) dans ma classe, et la caméra/visionneuse HUE avait été commandée avec… J'ai donc apprivoisé ce nouvel outil et je ne pourrais plus m'en passer aujourd'hui ! ...
Thanksgiving 2020 giveaway winners

Thanksgiving 2020 giveaway winners

Thank you to everyone who took part in our Thanksgiving Giveaway this year! We had an enormous response with hundreds of participants, which did not make the task of choosing the winners easy! We were so overwhelmed with heart-warming nominations that in the end we decided to double the prizes ...
HUE Animation Studio wins GOLD in the Mums Choice Awards!

HUE Animation Studio wins GOLD in the Mums Choice Awards!

Do mums always know best? Well, today we'd be inclined to completely agree as HUE Animation Studio has scooped gold and been named the Best Multimedia Toy in the Mums Choice Awards' list of Best Toy and Family Game Winners 2020! About the awards The Mums Choice Awards, now in ...
25 Days of Holiday STEAM

25 Days of Holiday STEAM

To help keep your little elves occupied this holiday season we have created a STEAM-powered activity advent calendar full of festive fun for the whole family! Each day features a creative activity idea that also sneaks in opportunities to teach kids about Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics. The advent ...
Double winners in the Creative Play Awards 2020

Double winners in the Creative Play Awards 2020

HUE Animation Studio has been judged as the Winner in two categories of the Creative Play Awards: Boys Craft Kits 8-11 years and SEN 8-11 years! These awards recognize products which enhance creative development in young children and we are proud that our stop motion animation kit is on the ...
Thanksgiving 2020 giveaway

Thanksgiving 2020 giveaway

We have decided to give away some HUE cameras during this season! Do you know someone who needs one? To participate, complete the entry form telling us to whom you would like to offer a HUE camera and why. The best stories will be published on our website and winners ...
Newsweek includes HUE Animation Studio in Best in STEM 2021 list

Newsweek includes HUE Animation Studio in Best in STEM 2021 list

We are so proud! HUE Animation Studio, our all-in-one stop motion animation kit, has made it through the tough selection process to be featured in Newsweek's Best in STEM 2021 list! partnered with Newsweek to highlight the toymakers and brands that help strengthen STEM education. Educational Research™ (SER) ...
Guest post: STEM at home

Guest post: STEM at home

Chris Woods is a Teacher, Speaker, Author and STEM Nerd who hosts the STEM Everyday podcast. Author of Daily STEM: How to Create a STEM Culture in Your Classrooms & Communities, Chris likes to remind his students, readers and followers that STEM is everywhere around us… we just have to ...
[FR/EN] Article invité : HUE dans le monde de la magie / Guest post: HUE in Wonderland

[FR/EN] Article invité : HUE dans le monde de la magie / Guest post: HUE in Wonderland

The English version of this blog post follows the French. La technologie et les arts visuels sont de mise lors de mes rencontres publiques ou celle qui sont fait a l’aide des médias sociaux. L’utilisation d’une caméra HUE avec sa base solide permettant de changer l’orientation afin de faire la ...