You can check the most common questions regarding our HUE products.
We also have a Tutorials section with more information about popular topics. If your question is not answered below, please contact us for support.
To search the FAQs, please click here.
HUE Animation
Click here for the full list of HUE Animation (General) FAQs
Stop Motion Studio
Click here for the full list of Stop Motion Studio FAQs
HUE Cameras
FAQs: HUE HD Camera (General)
Google Meet applies a mirror filter to the camera feed by default. The image you see is mirrored but your call attendees will see the image the correct way around.
This is an application setting and does not have anything to do with the HUE camera. It is also not a setting that can be changed with the HUE software.
There is no way to remove the filter within Google Meet, unlike in Zoom, and if you use third party software to reverse it on your side, it will be mirrored on the attendees’ side as well.
As a workaround you can use the Present feature on Google Meet to share the camera feed from another application, such as HUE Intuition. Google Meet will not recognise the shared feed as a camera input so the mirror filter will not take effect. You can proceed to use the HUE Intuition application features in your call.
- Launch HUE Intuition and select your HUE camera as the video input device.
- Ensure that Google Meet is not already using your HUE camera or you will see a blank screen in HUE Intuition.
- Click on the Present button within Google Meet.
- Select the Application Window tab.
- Click on the HUE Intuition application window.
- Click Share.
For more help, please check our guide on how to use your HUE products with Google Meet.
For help with other apps, please check this alternative FAQ.
Click here for the full list of HUE HD Camera FAQs
FAQs: HUE HD Camera (Windows)
If you notice a whistling noise in the background of your recordings in HUE Intuition and other apps, you may need to adjust your Windows sound settings to optimize them for your microphone.
If you open your Windows Control Panel and select Sound, then the Recording tab, you will be able to select the Properties of your USB microphone. The Advanced tab will allow you to adjust the default format for microphone recordings. Adjusting this setting should allow you to eliminate any background sounds. If you are hearing a whistling sound, choosing Radio quality/Tape recorder from the dropdown menu should eliminate the problem.
The same steps apply when using any other USB microphones which exhibit a similar problem.
An update to Windows 10 released in April 2018 added new Privacy options to the computer’s system Settings. If these are configured incorrectly it is possible that they will block any applications from accessing cameras. Both internal webcams and USB cameras such as HUE are affected by these settings. If you updated from an earlier version of Windows 10, you may have been asked to choose your settings immediately after the update was installed. It is important that these settings allow camera and microphone access, otherwise the software will be unable to connect to the camera and microphone.
If you want to unblock the camera, press the Start button and open the Settings screen, or alternatively press Windows Key + I. You will see an option called Privacy in the list.
There will be sections on this page for your Camera and Microphone settings. Please ensure that the applications you want to use with your HUE have full access to both the camera and the microphone.
You may need to switch on the option to Allow apps to access your camera before the individual applications appear in the list.
For Microsoft’s help page about the new camera settings, please click here. You can learn more about their privacy settings in this Microsoft FAQ. This information also applies to Windows 11.
Another common cause of video not appearing in this way is third party security software. This separate FAQ includes advice if you believe that this may be the problem.
FAQs: HUE HD Pro Camera
Optimal image capture is an A4 page (US letter size) and maximum image capture is an A3 sheet of paper. Both the HUE Intuition and HUE Camera Viewer apps have options to flip and mirror the live video.
HUE cameras are Plug & Play and will work with any application that recognizes a USB video device, such as built-in camera apps on an interactive display. Please check with the screen manufacturer for compatibility with a particular model.
It is now possible to use HUE cameras with iPads running iPadOS 17 or later, which allows the iPad to connect to external USB cameras and microphones. This applies to all ‘plug and play’ HUE cameras, including the HUE HD camera and HUE HD Pro. A standard USB Type-C adapter may be required to physically connect the camera to the iPad.
Apple currently does not allow external USB video cameras to stream to the iPhone, other iOS devices or older iPad devices even if you purchase a camera connector kit.
HUE cameras work with a wide range of video conferencing and picture editing software. Any software that is designed to work with a USB camera should work using HUE as its video input source, including Zoom, Google Meet, MS Teams, Skype, QuickTime, Seesaw, Loom, FaceTime, Discord, Twitch, Slack, OBS, Webex, Chime and many more. You can find guides for using popular video conferencing apps with your HUE camera in our Tutorials section.
Pick which video chat network you wish to join, download the software from their website and follow their setup instructions. Make sure you set the USB camera as your camera and microphone in the new app’s settings, then you’re ready to chat!
If you can’t install extra software on your computer, Windows users can connect through the built-in Microsoft Camera app (requires Windows 8.1+). Users of macOS or Mac OS X 10.6 or later can use the built-in version of QuickTime for viewing the live video and making recordings.
Google Meet applies a mirror filter to the camera feed by default. The image you see is mirrored but your call attendees will see the image the correct way around.
This is an application setting and does not have anything to do with the HUE camera. It is also not a setting that can be changed with the HUE software.
There is no way to remove the filter within Google Meet, unlike in Zoom, and if you use third party software to reverse it on your side, it will be mirrored on the attendees’ side as well.
As a workaround you can use the Present feature on Google Meet to share the camera feed from another application, such as HUE Intuition. Google Meet will not recognise the shared feed as a camera input so the mirror filter will not take effect. You can proceed to use the HUE Intuition application features in your call.
- Launch HUE Intuition and select your HUE camera as the video input device.
- Ensure that Google Meet is not already using your HUE camera or you will see a blank screen in HUE Intuition.
- Click on the Present button within Google Meet.
- Select the Application Window tab.
- Click on the HUE Intuition application window.
- Click Share.
For more help, please check our guide on how to use your HUE products with Google Meet.
For help with other apps, please check this alternative FAQ.
Click here for the full list of HUE HD Pro Camera FAQs
HUE Software
Click here for the full list of HUE Intuition FAQs
Miscellaneous Questions
All HUE products include a three year manufacturer’s warranty against faults. If you purchased through a reseller, please contact your place of purchase for any issues with the order or delivery in accordance with their terms and conditions. If your HUE product develops a fault and the place of purchase is unable to help, you can contact us for support.
If you purchased directly through our online store or from the official HUE store on Amazon, please check this separate FAQ for further assistance.