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Time-lapse photography is a great way to show things happening much more quickly than they do in real life. By automatically taking pictures while you do something, you can turn the pictures into a movie.
You can use time-lapse to show yourself drawing a picture or decorating a cake, or you can use it to show flowers growing or food being eaten. A dedicated time-lapse mode is included in the HUE Animation software.
Using Time-lapse in HUE Animation
1. Click on the Time-lapse tab (it’s the one with a stopwatch icon).
2. Once you’re in the Time-lapse screen, you will see two sliding tabs on the timeline below the image. The blue tab (on the top) is the Interval tab. You can slide it back and forth to change the amount of time between each picture. The red tab (on the bottom) is the Duration tab. You can slide it back and forth to set how long you want the software to keep taking pictures.
3. Click the large Timelapse Capture button when you want to start. You can also use the start time function at the bottom of the time lapse display to indicate when you want the picture taking to begin.
4. Once the software begins taking pictures, the timer at the bottom will tell you how much time is left until the next picture. There is also a counter which shows how many frames have been recorded.
You can see an example of a time-lapse movie recorded with the software below.
Time-lapse tips
- If you want to use time stamps, remember to check the box before you start recording.
- Test out different intervals to find the best one for your project. When in doubt, choose a slightly shorter interval. You can always delete frames if it’s too slow.
- Remember to use the fastest moving part of the event to select your capture interval.
- Consider the duration of the event you want to capture. Choose one a bit longer than you think is necessary, just in case it takes longer than you expect!
- If you’re unsure of the duration, remember you can always set it at 24 hours and stop it when you’re done.